I enjoy have dull pain surrounded by my right lower side on and past its sell-by date for just about a month in a minute! Any one know why??? Please answer!

I am 19 and a female and I have have pain in my side on and stale for about a month now! Sometimes the anguish is severe and other times it is moderate. It hurts to press on the lower part of my side. But the pain is better on some days and worse on others! I am not sure why and i don't want to be in motion to the doctor!

I don't think that it is appendicitis because the pain have been on and off for more or less a month. And appendicitis is very rapid. I also have a PAP about 5 months ago and everything was everyday. I am not sexually active so i am not pregnant!

What could this be???

For the past month i own had a very mild frenzy of 99.9 but i feel ok besides feeling tired and th distress in my side.

Thanks for all of you warning i really appreciate it all!

Answers:    There are many different things it could be, a impossible ovary, or a cyst on your ovary, there are many different things that could be wrong. But best bearing to solve your problem is to go be seen by a doctor. That is best point I can tell you they have the equipment to make test and things. Or whatever you entail. So please go be seen by a doctor. And I really hope you bring back better! Take care!.
Well, it could have something beneath the skin. Or it may be a bruise, but if its still doing it later i doubt it is. If it persists I REALLY insist you see a doctor! It could be a type of disease. Please see a doctor.

Hope it helps

You involve to go to the doctor. It's the only path to get better. It could be serious, and you don't want the condition to worsen just because you're afraid to run to the doctor. Please, go to the doctor. Abdominal/pelvic pain to be exact similar to that of period cramping may indicate a problem in a reproductive organ (like the twinge around your ovaries or uterus).

This includes conditions such as endometriosis (when tissue from the uterus is displaced to somewhere else like the pelvic wall or ovaries), uterine fibroids (thick bands of muscular and fibrous tissue within the uterus), ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer (rare), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) infection of the reproductive organs, usually from a sexually transmitted disease.

If you have pain contained by your ovary area, you might have an ovarian cyst. I hold experienced that same type of pain whenever I have have an ovarian cyst. I was also diagnosed with endometriosis second year which caused me severe pelvic pain and intense and tight period cramping.

Based on your symptoms and what you wrote, I would recommend that you should see your doctor/gynaecologist, just to rule out any serious cause.

Good luck :)

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