I have sever cramping and heavy clotting and bleeding. Could I have a medical condition?

Every month for as long as I can remember I have PMS from hell and once my interval starts these symptons dont go away, they achieve worse and I dont know how anyone can stand me. I hurt so bad I sometimes cry.

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Please do not assume that you single have some sort of PMS - contained by fact, you may not own PMS at all. People don't similar to to hear anything about clotting disorders, but I hope that you will read, and achievement.

The fact that you own heavy clotting as ably as associated pain suggests that you may hold VON WILLEBRAND'S DISEASE, in which your body doesn't be paid enough FACTOR VIII, one of the substances that have to be present in command for your blood to clot properly.

You should ask your doctor to order a bleeding time study - it may own to be done more than once. vWD has several subtypes and they don't adjectives always show up urgently on the study. It used to be thought that vWD was intensely rare but it affects ONE PER CENT of the population.

Many women own undiagnosed vWD - they have sturdy periods, lots of clots, and spasm; further clues that you may have this problem include: sturdy (or very little) bleeding from dental procedures -remember, most vWD is of the inconsistent type - bleeding from brushing your teeth, frequent heavy antenna bleeds, bleeding from paper cuts that won't stop but keep oozing, and SEVERE bruising from what seem to be routine knocks. And hemorrhage after giving birth.

vWD should be ruled out until that time you look for any other causes.

IF you own vWD you can relax. The hematologist will type it and give you the appropriate treatment. (Some of the treatments work economically for one type but badly for another type so you enjoy to know which it is.)

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You could have a medical problem or it could only just be normal for you, pop in a doctor.

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I reflect on something could be wrong. So you really should go to the doctor.

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i guess its the average u. my friend has one and the same exact problem as u. her cramps are very really very doomed to failure. sumtimes she even pass out. if u cant give somebody a lift it anymore talk to ur doctor he can impart u d pill to control ur period


yes you could own uritin fibrosis. its comon in women over 35 years of age. they can do a simple ultra sound to find out. nickname your doctor and tell him whats going on. it could also be time for you to revise birth control pills (if your on them) women usually have to switch pills every few years because your body get used to that hormone level and you will originate to release an egg again which causes heavier period and more PMS. call your doc asap dont dawdle if its a big problem you could require a hysterectomy or become infertile. get it checked out asap biddable luck hun

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Girl you are not alone. My spell lasts for 7 days near 5 days of heavy bleeding. I cry, wobbly, my body shivers due to the extent of the pain, and I exhibit adjectives the symptoms that you have. I own heard that shifting my diet can minimize the pain so this is what I do. I try to drink lots of alkaline foods 1 week before my term. See the following link for food types to choose from.


I put away lots of watermelon in the morning consequently an hour after that I have breakfast, choosing my foods largely from the alkaline group. Now I am having a length and I am pain and clot free (symptom free to be exact). You should try it.

Stay away from elegant sugar, confectionery and all dairy products . If you must own cow's milk and you like molasses afterwards buy the blackstrap molasses and add it to your milk.The trick is to hold little or no acidic foods contained by that week before and during your time. Acidic foods make the blood gluey and form clots. When the clots are passing out of your body during a extent, you feel intense agony.

In addition, do a medical to ensure that you are physically ok. Under no circumstances should you do a D&C. It can affect your talent to carry a child to term next. When I was 16 the doc recommended it and I refuse. Now 20 odd years following, I am just discovering the wonders of proper diet.

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