Please give support to me.. am i bitter?

When i wear a bra ill take it sour and it smells like BO... my wetness when im horny also tastes resembling BO but doesn't smell like it.. my boyfriend has told me past.. what could be wrong with me? i shower twice a day and im enormously hygenic. i use deodrant, perfume and whatever else. it's not that im not hygenic. please no mean answers.. this is serious.

Sex on your time?

Its nought to do with your personal hygiene i would say you are any eating too much bread pastry ,cakes ,cereal ect. so you have too much yeast in your body and you may own dandruff . or your eating too much red meat ,seafood mushrooms ,mayo ,sardines ,liver ect. it means you enjoy too much uric acid in you body . Cut out one group at a time for a month you should see a splashed improvement .In both cases drink loads of water correct luck.

What is ovulation??

It's possible that you have a fungal or bacterial infection, which is nothing to do near your hygiene! Everyone has spores and germs living on their skin, and sometimes your skin chemistry changes and let them grow (e.g. you wear nylon rather than cotton and get sweaty, you're on the pill or pre-menstrual, you appropriate antibiotics etc.) It's also possible that you have over-active sweat glands. Some people are highly conscious of normal body odour, but if your boyfriend noticed, it's probably worth going to the doctor. They can run a skin swab (not painful!) and check it out.

In the meantime, try using unscented soap and sensitive skin deodorant (the perfumes can irritate you), wearing pure fibres like cotton, silk and wool, especially for your underwear, and making sure you dry properly after a shower.

How do you know?

Try wash with summers eve feminine cleanser hypoalergenic wash it leaves you verbs and soaps with perfume are not good for the vaginal nouns. My doc suggested it for me b/c I had a hard time beside certain soaps you would be surprised to know ph a lot of times have something to do with it and certain soaps won't mix in good health with your ph balance. If problem persist go the dr and ask them about it and if you enjoy smelly discharge at all you probably have an infection that wants treating.

I'm worried around my daughter and she wont jump to the Dr's cos she's embarassed. She's ratification a great deal of motions

Body odour can sometimes be a sign of infection.
Finding out what can be causing this problem will make you grain better.
I would visit the local doctor and talk to him in the region of your symptoms.
Better to be causative than sit worrying.
Good luck with getting this sorted!

Why Does It hurt?

Thats terrible. I come up with its your diet. Change your diet. Drink water and see a DOC.. Maybe you should wash next to soap free as it may be your problem for down there.

Dam good luck near that poor love.

Help! The Pill?

Maybe u should see a doc...and see whats going on..GOOD LUCK

Ladies, If you would you get hold of breast implant if you be truly contained by love beside your husband.?

Can you ovulate straight after your interval?
Is this true?
I am 15 my boy friend want to enjoy sex , I am afried due to dull pain and pregnency consequently how to progress roughly speaking?
  • Girl problems(urgent)
  • I am going to my check up tomorrow and i am upset because this is my first one bcause my nearest and dearest did not money

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