Which sex toy is the best?
A friend of mine bought a vibrator from http://dv8.com
When you go on the site here are so many vibrators. Which is the best? My friend have the rabbit.
how do you know when you need up to date dr? and r women better?
the rabbit
What exactly is the menstral cup?? Has anyone used them before??
my wife have the most intimate relationship with our shower manager - u should hear her in at hand sometime - cheap toy and everybody has one - thats what i would recommendnothing feels better afterwards shuving a vibrator up your kooch :D
What do all my symptoms make the addition of up to?
I would recommend the Pixie- orrr the shower headHow do you treat a vaginal cyst?
Harley DavidsonGirl Problem(s), want help I should utter!?!?
I think the bullet is the best.rawwwwr