Feeling yukky after coming past its sell-by date Yasmin Birth control. Anybody else? Please answer :) ?

I was on Yasmin birth control for 2 & a half years since reading
horrible stories about it. I have immediately stopped taking it and it
has been going on for 3 weeks.

Has anyone else been through this.. with YASMIN singular??
Did you feel sick in the belly, or take stabbing pains, cramps
sore nipples etc? I'd love to hear from you. =)

Type into google " Yasmin survivors" and see how
HORRIBLE this pill is. It is a warning. Get off it very soon girls!!I
It is in the worst pills list.

Thanks for your answers within advance.. =)
Tee xx

Answers:    Was yasmin even giving you problems before you read those stories?

I've switched birth control over days gone by 3 years and I'm fine. You should talk to your doctor about birth control, especially if you plan to switch brands or stop taking it. All you own to justify your choice is a bunch of horror stories you read online. You should ask a professional. A professional would be more reliable than some article online, especially if your body's acting weird.

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