Is it possible to swallow your adams apple?

I was in recent times drinking some water and after I sorta felt my adams apple going down for a second and it kinda hurted. So is this possible?

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what is this procuder bx/curett of cervix w/s?

Probably what you feel was an esophageal spasm.

Period problem!!?

no unless it rips but I dout that.

Birth Control Pill?

kinda hurted?

when you obtain older .. DON'T BREED!

What can i do?

no it isnt possible the liwuid probally go down the wrong pipe and that is why it hurt

Can i hold papsmear a week before my length?

Ummmm NO, That adams apple is actually a piece of your throat and the structure would be impossible to swallow

Poll of The day. [Girls special]?

No, not on. You can't swallow your tonsils either. You might try posting masculine questions beneath men's health, btw.

I purely finished my period today. For 2 weeks my stomach have been distended and bloated.?

Not unless you trim it and core it first. *G*


the adams apple is your voice box or larnyx as mds would refer to it in medical argot.impossible to swallow but everytime you swallow it moves up and down

How to make my skin more sensitive to touch?

No. It cannot be done

Re: Breast augmentation/ Breast implant, could you advise.?


this have got to be da funniest cross-examine ive answered today


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