Is it sexual assault when...?

boyfriend and his girlfriend are lying down together and they are tickling and fooling around with respectively other. what if the guy puts his hand up her shirt and massage her breasts in a nonforceful posture while the girl lets him? what more or less if he puts his hands down her pant and she also lets him do that? what if the girl puts her hand down his pants within a nonforceful way? what exactly is sexual assault b/w a boyfriend and a girlfriend?


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it is ONLY sexual assault when the creature says "no" and the other individual doesn't stop. that's it. period.

I am verry confused?

When any party say no, then it become sexual assault.

This site offers several examples

I am a 15 year elderly girl weight 230 hight 5'7 ex.2-3 days a week. Iwant to loss 95 pound's near in a mouth what

This is consenting to touching and is foreplay. Sexual assault is if a entity if forcing you to let them touch your body.

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well look it up well i cant tell you but ok no its not

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only assult if the word . no . is said and the other one dont stop. . in my opion<. fef. canon?

I had sex near a girl..?

when one of them says no or stop

Need warning!?

No, BUT if either partner is lower than age it is.

I'm scared, my breasts are tender and swollen..?

I ponder Sexual assault is in wich an act is done without the consent of one partner. It can also occour if one of the partner is minor or both are minor. If both are above 18 year above and adjectives the actions are done next to consent of both then its not a sexual assault.

But usually ruling helps womens my friend so may be if she is letting you to do foreplay near his consent, she can still charge you with sexual assault so be carefull my friend
embezzle care

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i suppose its when either one does not consent to doesn`t matter what the other is about to do and they do it anyway.

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Sexual assault is when a man or woman force sexual engagements onto another. For example: Let's say a man holds a woman down (sexually) and the woman is screaming and kicking for him to tolerate go.

That is sexual assault and is considered a severe misdeed.

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When you gain raped! And no that isn't sexual assault only if the girl say NO!! and means it or the Guy say NO! and means it.

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When soeone says stop and the other keep going . . . it's forceful

By the way . . if the girl is lower than 18, it's statutory rape even if she says it's ok and the boy is below age too.

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if they are a minor it can possibly be considered as assault but if you are adults and give full consent its not assault

My interval come and go?

sexual assult is any foreplay or sexual contact short consent or if one is underage, no matter what the relationship is.

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