Isn"t 25 years old too young to have high blood pressure?

My daughter just have a baby 5 months ago and is not overweight by any funds. But, I know its heredity and both my husband and I hold high blood pressure. But, we didn't enjoy it at that age. Like I said , she is thin.

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i'm 21and have big blood pressure. i inherited it from my mom. you're never too precipitate to develop health problems!

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High blood pressure can be caused from assorted things..She needs to carry medical help

Tampon Qustions?

a lot of factor are involved she may be stressed taking care of babe. does she use excessive salt on her foods? and hereity plays a cog just because you and hubby didnt enjoy it at 25 doesnt mean she wont

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no !! study your salt intake

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No. there is no age article for getting High BP.
tell her to look into her diet, and some alternative medicines(india/chinese).
I also recommend Learning 3 Pranayama. They'll facilitate a LOT
1. Bhastrika
2. Anuloma Viloma
3. Kapal Bhati

I Hate This Pregnancy!?

High blood pressure does no discriminate when it comes to age. the answer to your question NO! She requests to seek medical assist for it.

Help? Stressed and i don't know it?

Having a baby places profoundly of stress on the body. Plus if high blood pressure is within the family her risk is increased. Being wasted isn't usually associated with soaring blood pressure. Being overweight is. She should get to a doctor and acquire it regulated as it could cause severe problems down the road.

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