Ovarian Cyst in teenager?

My 13 yr elderly have have misery contained by lower tummy for a couple days. Dx beside UTI and started Bactrim. Two days latter extreme misery took her to ER. While near they did a pelvic exam, she be not joyful, dr said cervix be red and have some discharge. They did an ultra-sound and found a couple big ovarian cyst in the region of 6cm. He said one may own ruptured to wreak the agony. He treated her beside doxycycline and give her a shot of rocephine. These are usually treatments for STD's? She swears she have never have sex and be fairly adament especially after pelvice that she never be going to. Is near any other causes/ idea she could enjoy the reddishness on cervix? She uses tampons and I know I own to remind her to revision them....Any comments?

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i hold have ovarian cysts beforehand, they are HORRIBLY bumpy, and i thought it be my apendix bursting. when i started getting my ovarian cysts the doctor put me on a low dosage birth control pill and i enjoy NEVER have the problem since (knock on wood). i however, be sexually stirring and be around the age of 15, im 18 immediately and im still on the pill. i dont recollect the doctor ever maxim these cysts be effect by sexual intercourse, but i do know that they made my period much worse, and the misery be unacceptable. sometimes if they are big plenty the cysts obligation to be removed through surgery. i suggest chitchat to your daughter, making sure she is not sexually involved, and tell to her doctor around the treatments avalible.

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Ovarian cysts are markedly adjectives and can end in misery. The glow of the cervix is probably not related to the cysts. The tampon use may hold irritated the cervix.

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I hold have ovarian cysts my entire energy. I am 36. Since age 15 - which be up to that time I have sex. SOme women/girls are freshly prone to getting them. Mine would usually burst also - cause agony for something like 1 year - and they can be VERY throbbing. Sex, tampons, or anything similar to that put into the vaginal nouns have nil to do next to ovarian cysts.
You should probably bear her to see a gynecologist. She is not too childish to see one, especially if she is getting cysts. When I be 22, I hold to hold a laporoscopy contained by decree to own one removed becuase it never burst. I come up with if they burst, she is lucky becuase after she won't own to step within for surgery to hold it removed. If she did. surgery is especially minor and really nil to verbs roughly speaking. I hope this ease your mind. :-)

Also, blush on the cervix is strange. Could she be masterbating near something that is to say cause her this problem? I know this is a difficult cross-examine to ask a 13 y.o. but it could be. I don't know almost the STD treatments you are asking something like. Sorry.

Have an "O" during?

Ovarian cysts can mete out niggle.Is she putting in the tampons correctly?My12 year ancient is too young at heart to use them,probably 13 is too infantile for her to use tampons only however,Sorry to be exact adjectives I can suggest.

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I don't contemplate it's that unusual - the medication be for possible infection from the burst cyst, not for STDs. Maybe the infection spread to her cervix? Another possibility is endometriosis, which can make happen symptoms much resembling a UTI if it's on the bladder, ovarian cysts, and could be on her cervix and contained by other areas cause niggle. Is the aching related to her menstrual cycle?

Only your daughter know for sure if she's have sex, but even if she is, the meaningful piece right immediately is that she's sick and contained by aching and wishes comfort. Cysts (and endometriosis) can be extremely bleeding, as raw as acute appendicitis, and it's really terrifying especially when so infantile! Please try to put the worries in the region of sex out of your mind for very soon, your daughter wishes to know you are near for her!

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