How do I rid myself of extreme vaginal odor?

As the years pass my vaginal odor have become increasingly strong, causing unease and trouble for my husband and myself. What is the most effective instrument to stop this problem?

Post Partum Thyroiditis?

Your Ph balance is out of whack. Eat yogurt
beside live cultures and take Acidophiles pills. Your body wishes healthy microbes to keep your ph surrounded by check.

I keep Huggies raining wipes by the toilet surrounded by all of the bathrooms and this is supportive to use once or twice a day.

Avoid close to the plague taking any anti-biotics. They cause yeast and odor problems since they slay the natural germs.

A mild vinegar douche would probably be good occasionally (as needed)

We must be close by the same age. Good luck next to your problem.

do you hate question that have solidity in title?

take a hip bath DAILY with lever 2000. and douche every very soon and then. not a soul wants to smell approaching tuna:)

I think I'm more or less to have my spell. HELP!!?

Try baby powder

Just wondering girlssss?

Douche! Keep it verbs!! See the doctor!

I have a cross-question about STD's evolve ppl only plz?

P.U !!

Pls someone notify me, i have really small hips hw can i kind them a bit larger?

Take a shower!

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Take a bath regularily and not only once a month. Hope it works.

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try washing your vagina

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You need to travel to the doctor that is a sign of infection and isn't common. If you wash and the smell comes put money on go to the doctor.

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get a complete GYN may hold problems you don't know partner of 20 years (16 then) once remarked to me give or take a few an unusual odor, and the next entity i know i was at the doctors' department being diagnosed next to massive fibroids that resulted in surgery.

not dictum you have equal problem, but it deserves attention nonetheless

What is it..?

People will tell you to douche.don't do it.douching make the smell are cleaning out the good germs that gun down the smell, I find using the summer eves cleaning wash and spray work fine,,,,also if you are taking any meds that can raison d`??tre and odor.That what happened to me.But the douching point I went to a doctor and she told me I believe it and its true.I used to douche approaching twice a week and it would just get hold of worse.Good luck.also try and talk to a doctor give or take a few it..

Cyst Mania.Please help?

Have you see a doctor? Usually an odor comes from some kind of infection. It could be as simple as taking antibiotics to attain rid of it. Go to the doctor and get checked out. If its affecting your lifestyle, after its bad adequate to get it checked out. Most women shouldn't own a bad odor.

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If you haven't see a doctor about it you should markedly soon. There are many medical reason for odor and if your doctor isn't coming up with an answer after doing a physical exam after go see another doctor. My ex sister surrounded by law have an extreme problem with odor that almost made you want to gag when entering their house. She have an undiagnosed medical problem and the odor went away beside the proper treatment.

My girlfriend's 'clam' is spotting. Is something wrong with her?

smell is a sign of infection, turn to the Dr.


maybe you could try to shave it? hair holds sweat and your usual flora thrives on that sweat. thats what makes an awful smell.

Attention Dr. Keka Mukherjee from U.K,once associated next to Apollo,India.?

see your doctor

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Honey, you have a desperate infection GO TO THE DR!

How do you faint for definite?

i have it too its extremely embarassing! but its cause by bv an infection, does it smell fishy? if so then thats my best bet. you can achieve the cream or the pill. go procure it checked out!

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That's sign of an infection. (probably bacterial vaginosis) Go to the doc. Dont douche, because that wont help out an infection, it will make it worse. Good luck :)

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