how do i confront my wife? It's for her own health.?

i think she might own breast cancer.
My friend says he feel lumps in her breasts, and he think they might be cancer. he's a dentist, which is closer to "doctor" than i am, so he knows best.
how can i bring up the view of getting it checked? id disgust for her to lose a breast, i dont know if i could look at her the same method.

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I like the opinion of checking her out during "an intimate moment." Just be sure you "bust" BEFORE you tell her. Cuz, once she finds out she won't want to own sex because she won't feel "pretty." blah blah blah.

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Question..why is a DENTIST attitude your wife's breasts?

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ask her stra8 up enthusiastically

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Ooooooh your wife is having an affair next to your dentist buddy? WTF is that? lol Why is he feeling her boobies hon? Clarify

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Can I discern her breasts as a second opinion? I hope your friend is a serious, honest guy because I would never allow my friend to do indistinguishable thing. I pray for your wife's vigour.
Just kidding.but really, she should own a mammogram every year for about $30 dollars.

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first of all why is your friend intuition your wifes breasts.. LOL.
Why dont you feel her breast (during an intimate time) and convey her you notice something different that you havent notice before. Ask her to touch it also and see what she thinks.

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Why is a dentist checking your wifes breasts? Anyways, sometimes they can be blocked mammory glands, so do not worry to soon, but find her checked out right away. The earlier the detection, the better the treatment.

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just let somebody know her to go grasp it checked.. to get a breast exam by a legitimate doctor..not a dentist..and to have a mammogram and possibly an ultrasound done...

why be your friend touching your wife's breast in the first place?

oh well.perchance you guys are swingers or have an interested relationship or something.. nothing wrong beside that..

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why is a dentist checking your wife's breast? she should see her doctor.

Not really sure?

okay.teeth and breasts are totally different.why is the dentist feeling your wife's breasts? you would dislike for her to lose a breast? what about her life span.

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First of adjectives, why is your friend the dentist, feeling your wifes boobs? Second, is this a valid question? Third, I assume she would want you to tell her so she could step to her doctor and get it checked out. You could reclaim her life.

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even if your friend is a dentist why is your wife letting him feel on her breasts?

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*ponders what your **friend** be doing messing with your wife.*

I'd suggest self gentle, but straight to the point. Tell her the truth going on for how you feel, and how you're concerned, and how you don't want her to lose a breast, or worse, lose her duration.

And for your own safety. don't mention it at the wrong time of the month.

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I don't assume your friend should be looking for lumps on your wifes breasts! Even though he's a dentist he is no expert in that area!
You should be capable of talk to your wife widely and honestly, just convey her that your concern about her condition

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She needs to be checked, and right away.

Make appointments for you both for a check up, if you similar to, tell her it's time to see the tires.

Do not, under any circumstances, make clear to her that you don't think you'll be capable of look at her the same track of she looses a breast. If that's your biggest problem in the course of her possible disease, you should be lucky. You won't be capable of look at her at all if she doesn't procure it checked, because she could wind up late.

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why do antibiotics make birth control smaller quantity effective? is that even true?

first of adjectives, what is your "male friend" doing examining your wife's breasts for cancer in the first place?

a dentist is NOT a doctor for something resembling that, and usually women see their own professionals regularly for physical examiniations. unless your wife is already doing this, then conceivably you should encourage her to jump at least for her strength overall.
maybe you both can budge together for support, especially if you havent been within a while. then you'll own your results and the doctor will be the one to confront and confirm whether your suspicions are true. and if it really is cancer he/she will also be able to provide assistance and answer question concerning how to deal near it.

my mother had breast cancer while i be in college and years subsequent after a lumpectomy she's still married and doing just fine! doesn`t matter what you do, be calm, merciful, supportive, and loving. don't make seeing a doctor be only about cancer but more in the order of health and living a long life span together. and even if your afraid, think just about how she must's her breast and her time!

be there, be strong, and remember, it may be nil at all.

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since you enjoy already said that you are cheating on her while she is sleeping off the cancer medication, why do you need her to win checked?

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