I have need of to know everything more or less my term..?

Well i guess i just started and idk what to do

when do i silver my pads?

how habitually will i have it?

please sustain!

Answers:    You should change your pad every 4-6 hours depending on how much blood you get. Wear a maxipad to bed because you are going to hold it on for around 10 hours. You will be irregular for the first 6-24 months meaning that your time of year could come anywhere from 2 weeks apart to 3 months apart. If you think you are going to grasp your period wear a panty liner (very filmy pad) so you don't have the confusion of blood on your clothes. Also if you are going to be on your period at conservatory then wear a jacket that time with pocket so that you can enjoy a pad surrounded by one of the pockets and you can just run to the bathroom and metamorphosis it.
Change them every about... 4 hours try. Depends...

You will enjoy it for about 7 days or smaller amount and it will come every 27 days ABOUT.

Change them at night too!
You don't want it on your sheets!
Talk to your mom.
transformation then when it get uncomfortable...or every time you step to the bathroom.or 4-6 hours.

you'll have it once a month...but since you only started you might not have another one for a while...or you could bring back them every other month. Every girl is different. You will get cramps...=[ they arent fun...i would embezzle tylonol,,,mydol...or aleeve. Also you could youse a heating wad that plugs into the wall it helps near the cramps.

good luck!
You involve to change your pad every two to four hours.If you don't there would be a possibility of a impossible odor that may be noticed not with the sole purpose by you but by others around you. If your period is lashing try to change as commonly as you can.You should also take some newborn wipes to institution with you so that everytime you regulation it you could wipe off and discern fresh and clean.

You will enjoy your periods approximately every 28 days but since every woman is peerless the amount of days between periods may oscillate.It is normal to be a few days impulsive or late.Since you basically started your periods they may be irregualr for a while and may even stop bad for a few months.However they will become regular as you get elder.

For more info check out www.beinggirl.com. Its a great site Good luck!!
You should change pad every 2-4 hours. You'll have it every 28 days. I don't know why you're on Answers, in that are a lot of websites that you can turn to. Ok, 1st, calm down. You'll catch used to it! Just be real verbs. You will learn closely by keeping track. I keep track of mine at www.mymonthlycycles.com
There you can even history when you changed your pads/tampons. They have lots of little quizzes and information and lots of flawless sites for other things too!

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