need a dating pro to help me?

some time ago, i noticed a girl. she looked cute.she is a bookworm. she have a good self-worth and thats why i like her. we hung out but it be boring. she and i have zilch in adjectives in that she approaching the things that i don't. i like her because she's cofident surrounded by the way she looks and how she act. should i give it another step and whut shoulde we do. when should i tell her that i approaching her and want her to be mai gf. this is not a crush so think of it this passageway. by doing whut things should i do to make her similar to me back. i involve help and in a hurry.

Has anyone out there ever have a heavy menstrual cycle surrounded by early pregnancy?

She may only just be quiet and/or shy. Find out what interests you two do enjoy in adjectives and do something fun together. Maybe watch a movie or something pretty dull to begin beside. You need to address to her and get to know her since deciding that you should indeed date.

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Will she put your foot quietly beside you and talk roughly speaking a book she is reading?

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um if you have zilch in adjectives why do u want her?

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No private...opposites attract. And really if you don't have seriously in adjectives, that isn't a deal breaker. you are demonstrably intrigued by her.. Just get to know her better previously you name her your girlfriend.slow down!

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give it another karma.find out what you do have contained by common and move about from there..see if she like a certain food or tv show or sport.doesn`t matter what it is go from near and keep conversating along those lines until you touch comfortable.don't put so much pressure on everything being impeccable at this point..

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If you don't similar to the same things, it won't work. Pretending doesn't work any. Maybe ask her if she has a sister!

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