How long after you start your time of year does it purloin for your breast to grow??

I started my first period November, 2007.

Answers:    It depends on the girl. Everybody is different that path. I started my period when I be 11 but had sort of started to grow breasts when i was 10. I be wearing a size B cup bra when I was 12 and C by the time I be 14. So usually breast growth begins extraordinarily shortly after you start your period or exceptionally shortly before, but it can oscillate from person to creature.
how old u is? they shoulda be growin yeah, I'm pretty sure you boobs should be growing by the time you start your period.

but i also hear that they don't stop growing until your early 20's. it may not be obvious, that's why its bad for immature girls to get cyber- boobs.
5 years.

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