Lumpy bits within my Period?

There;s small lumpy bits that are like liver from what you get from your butchers shop. And sometimes it's stringy and it doesn't bring absorbed by a towel so it's really uncormfortabe.
What is this man I don't like it atall and I touch really drained and I feel like I AM LOSING A PINT OF BLOOD ERE

Answers:    The blood clots are completely everyday! don't worry about it at adjectives, unless they are bigger than a quarter coin. then you might want to ask someone about it.
The common sense you are feeling drained is probably because you are not getting enough iron. Try taking vitamins while you are on your length, and also while you are not- They keep you healthy!.
when your extent is heavy you sometimes get clots within it

that is perfectly conventional to get those during your heavy time - those clots will stop as your extent lightens in a day or so

if you are sly drained then rest up and take plenty of fluids - if you arent elegant better in a couple of days then jump see a doctor.
The doctor told me a couple a years ago that the lumpy bits are blood clots forming. It suppose to be normal.
If you have have your tubes tired or burnt, your period get heavier and you get painful cramps.
I hope this help but I would still check with a doctor..
its normal, but if you bring back really worried and feel your flow is too heavy budge to your doctor, and they can give you something to lighten it. With towels everyone get those "strings" with tampons you dont notice them Well, if you are hemmoraging see a doctor hastily. That said, blood clots in menstrual fluid is normal. Its uterine facing you are losing...not straight blood..
Those lumpy bits are clots and they're normal.They're gross but normal.Nothing to be alarmed by.Just variation your pad and keep doing perineal baths down within during your cycle to keep clean and comfortable.
adjectives it is is the lining of your uterus coming away, alot of mine comes out if you use the toilet its very ordinary anyway, otherwise you and me are just odd ones out lol.
its the uterine bin liner that are the lumpy bits
it just means the uterine pool liner has not fully stopped clotting, nothing to verbs about though completely common It's purely a blood clot, nothing to worry going on for and no way to stop it unfortunately..
It's the endometrial division of your uterus thats being shed. aw i know exactly how you feel! I other feel drained during and after my period..
its majority, it blood clots they're only tiny though and very disgusting!
don't verbs about it..:).
They are blood clots, if it is really heavy or the clots are big after i would contact your doctor immediately. umm i cant toatally say but i do remember my robustness teacher mentioning that there will be compassionate of chunks if it seems relee bad to you see a docter!.
It's blood clots & they are prickly.but very normal. Just bring back a heating pad & curl up on the couch. My dr prescribes Naproxen for me & it help. It's a blood clot due to your period, don't worry in the order of it. Every woman gets it..
i get this at times when im on my length, it shouldnt be anything to be worried about x what the bloodclot.
its a bloodclot relax.

I really feel sorry for you girls,period would freak me out.I hope i get reincarnated into a man in the subsequent life dont worry babe thre jus clots
nothin to verbs bwt.
just a clot. nothing to verbs about and noway to stop it, sorry. lumps... brown.stringy bits...

its all commonplace

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