Assisted SUICIDE!!?

What do you think around assisted suicide?

(when somebody who is terminally ill asks a doctor to donate them an overdose of medicine so that they will die)

Do you devise it should be llegal, illigal?
any exceptions?

hi,i havent had my menses for former times 3and a half that common?am 24yrs of age?

well, I am torn.

I dream up in the eyes of God it is wrong..but instinctively I feel that it is a fitting thing.

I chew over that if a standard is determined and once a patient reach that standard then the tolerant should have the right to determine if they want to verbs on.

I also feel that it must be the patients ruling.

Can it do damage?

Illegal because of relatives who would misuse the right.

Do birth control pills have to be prescribed, or can you win them at the drugstore?

I think it should be trial, If I was that sick I would want to be put out of my misery not suffer, I own always said we are more humane to our animals than to associates, the animals get cancer or sick and we euthanize them but, those have to suffer and traffic with the agony until they depart.

is it bad to get a man get of

extremely ilegal because your paying someone to gun down you, doesnt that seem a touch wrong

Breast Issuesthis question is for women basically.?

I think that Jack Kevorkian is a hero. If I be terminally ill and suffering I'd want to simply get it over.

Women single please, men you don't wanna know!?

I agree with Anna.100%. If i be unable to carry up out of bed..take comfort of myself or my bodily funtions.give me some pills so we can stop the torture now. Maybe it sounds approaching im a coward, but until you see it and live it on a daily argument..none should have to live resembling that if they dont want too.

If a virgin was working out to stretch her legs, is the hymen will stay past the worst or its gonna tear?

I see it as its your vivacity and your choice. If someone is suffering so much that they are in so much pain, consequently if they want to die, it should be their choice. Religion aside because I know Christians will attack this. But God gave us a choice so I have a feeling like if Im within so much pain, and I want to die, afterwards they should help me. Whats the difference than a coma forgiving? People die mysteriously everyday. How do we know that the Government isnt involved when someone is in the hospital a long time? I thought my Grandfather was going to procure better, then adjectives of a sudden, he's dead. You dont know what the doctors and nurses bequeath patients everyday. You just put your trust surrounded by them. If an animal is suffering, a vet wont hesitate to put it down, but we humans are better to live? I dont assume so. I would rather someone I love only just die than to suffer in and out of hospitals, suffering adjectives the time. Dont judge too sternly dont know until you are dealing with it.

What would you chose? girls with the sole purpose!?

You can do it to your dog right? you love your dog. i think if you love your kith and kin member and they enjoy been through a screening and it is ok later it is fine. I think their should be strict guide lines, but yes it should be allowed. I don't consistency anyone should suffer unless they are rapist and child molesters. Everyone else has a right to not suffer. Again i enunciate strict guide lines first but your answer is YES!

is it dangerous if suger within urine is find while you pregnant?

We do it to animals, why can't we do it to our kind. I miserable I think I would approaching to have the choice. And its not close to your hurting anyone but yourself.

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