Woman only please!!?

I broke out about a week ago within spots and thought it was an allergic hostile response. Well the spots are all over by breasts and lower than the arms and they have gotten big and gros and one blew out today and it be like a pimple. Does anyone else enjoy this problem and how the hell do I get rid of them . The clinic Doctor wasnt much backing and said to use baby powder powerfully its not working please help!!.

I found out today that I am pregnant. 5 weeks. 1 week ago I was admit to the hospital and given isotope?

Do you have pets? If the spots itch you could hold scabies or some other type of parasite. I asked about pets because they can spread bedbugs (like scabies and ring worms etc.) I would make an appointment next to a dermatologist or at the very most minuscule get a second belief. Until your appointment you could try some Benadryl and Cortisone cream.

Hey Girls, what are some good work out songs?

I used some characteristics of theroputic cream it helped alot

why women are shy to show thier premonition of attraction to men and thier sexual feelings?

well it won't budge away just the second u put somthing on it. find a different doctor

Is it dodgy to have sex multiple times in the past having kid ?

never hear of any thing similar to that I've heard of boils. shift see a dermatologist for help on that one

After birth af interrogate?

I have have the same article on the lower part of my subsidise where your underware and pant sit, i used clean and clear body bathe and with within a week they where gone so you can try that

Cyst and spell?

i have have that problem before in good health not actually on my breasts but below my arms. mine went by wash and drying thoroughly and using a non perfumed deodrant. the doc advise talc which is also good as this will comfort tp keep the skin dry as when its raining bacteria can grow. hope it get better soon .x

Female problems, going to the doc, but something doesnt seem right?

Id jump to a dermatologist, and find aonther dr .yours cant give you an answer..

Im trying to lose consignment & I have started walking 2 hours a daylight for the last 2 weeks but I own put weight on?

I agree, stick to non-perfumed products, innate clothing, like cotton. It sounds resembling an allergic reaction, something you've eat or even something you've come into physical contact with. Retrace your steps deportment in mind what you usually eat/do/use and exterminate that from your life. It may rob a few days but at least you'll know what it is and avoid it within future.

If it still persist without on the road to recovery, return to the doctor, or another one, if you feel you want a second feelings.

Good luck.

Has anyone used the mini pill?


i had a nightmare that someone choked my 7wk infant and she died in my dream recount me why this dream as like this

could the puppy enjoy fleas?

Do periods commonly come late or impulsive?

if its not the puppy it could be a blood problem the Dr can give you something to clear your blood (my hubby have it)

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