Is it normal to have just a two day period?

I usually have a 5 morning period. The flow man heavy on the first two days and later lighter on the third and fourth and ALMOST non existent on the fifth day. But this time I have a normal pouring flow on the first day but especially light on the second and it's almost non existent today. What can be the aim? is it normal?

A girly request for information?

I often turn through the same cycle.
Yes it rather normal for 2 reason.
One, Diet.
Two, cycle changing.

If you own eaten smaller quantity meat through out the month, and lil foods (like red meat) that weigh heavy within the digestive system, chances are you body does not enjoy much "excess" waste of blood dispose.

This channel, your body used most of the blood and nutrients you provided within the "good" food that you give your body.

A lot of times women suffer from bad period and cramps, due to the food they've eaten, and not their body is trying to achieve rid of that "excess" waste.

Watch your diet and you will see, and be more surrounded by tune with what food does what to your body.

Is it possible?

maybe stress

Still trying to return with pregnant?

could be stress or poor nutrition.

Had breast biopsy and given an appointment for 2 weeks time. If biopsy shows cancer will I be contacted sooner

if you recentl started working out it could affect it too/

I got rotten my period a few days ago and in a minute im having discharge. is that regular for a 13 year old?

when i be in my teens i have typical 5 day period. when i hit my 20s i started having my "dry" light of day. right in the middle of my time i have roughly speaking 16 hours of nothing, no blood or anything, next i start again right where i disappeared off. not sure why this happen but it's never been a problem and my doc say it's not uncommon to own stops and starts for a few hours right in the middle of your spell. if you have any anguish, strange discharge or your next extent is unusually short see your ob/gyn.

I need some info on the birth control pill (alesse)?

its commonplace if your on the pill, or going through peri-menopause. also stress does it.

Will having a yeast infection effect your time of year at all?

Whenever I diet my days are shorter. What own you been doing differently is what you want to ask yourself. Sometimes medications hold an affect. Or allergies or sickness.

I am 7 monthes pregnant and I am sick what can I take?

see i thought at hand were no doctors r expertshere. after brief study singular with doctor u can overcome this problem .better see honest physician take strictness ,bye

Birth control is making me fat! Please facilitate!?

its very majority, dont worry, abundant girls hav the same genus., me too.

What are some drugs that interfere with the efficiency of oral birth-control, specifically Yaz?

In womens who have sex, this may b the indication of some apt news.

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