What could this be?

when my boyfriend and i get to see eachother on saturdays we stir to have sex and afterwards i burn. trust me, i am plenty lubercaited! lol anyways... my boyfriend stayed 4 days near me and i saturday it burnt but when we have sex on sunday monday and tuesday it didnt. could it be that my body isnt use to sex just once a week or something similar to that? P.s. I don't have any STD's and neither does my boyfriend! also after we are done beside sex, the burning goes away and i am fine!
i wasnt using no condoms or any type of lub except for my own unprocessed lub.


it burns because either your getting little cuts that will step away following sex or because of the friction that happens during definite positions especially doggy style sometimes you just entail a little bit of lube I've other found KY to be the best in my experience (the little cuts be set to that it is either too rough or he's too big for you!) this is the truth it have happened to an ex of mine beside me!

How do I do it?

its just friction

Girl problems?

no quip...some woman are actually alergic to semen.

see your doctor.

really...its a possibility.

CPR certified?

You could in truth be allergic to his sperm. Try it with a condom and see what happen.

I haven't had a time of year since the end of January and its June 4, It's never be this late.what is going on?

Could be a UTI=urinary tract infection. I have a UTI once and I had a similar response.

Period very impressively very hard to digest. Please help?

im sorry if this sounds have it in mind.buttttt you may want to start using protection...i have never met anyone that DIDNT say aloud their significant other cheated on them and it could be an STD when something like this happen.you seem childlike. dont be so trusting. be safe.

Pls aid.. give me tips//?

try some lube and condoms babies will really burn ur @%$&

Urgent-when should I start taking my birth control?

How's he doing, see if he is also coarse, does your father know.

Is it possible to get your cherry popped twice?

You call for to make an appointment next to your gynocologist... possibly a yeast infection or some sort of abrasion you are unware of or maybe an ingrown spine folicle somewhere? Does your boyfriend use anything on himself that maybe he hasn't told you roughly (like warming lubrication)? You speak you don't have STD's but enjoy you you actually be tested for any? (better safe than sorry). What big-hearted of soap do you use when washing - do you own sensativity to soaps? Again, you need an exam to be completely sure... don't wait, you really don't want to casualness that area of your body.

I notice that there is a white tissue on the inside of the exit of my vagina.?

ok so, first, use a condom unless your looking to get pregnant. The "pullout method" doesn't other work, so just pay attention. I would also suggest that you make sure that your boyfriend doesn't own an STD, some of us will lie for sex. The with the sole purpose other thing that I can vote is that maybe your vagina wasn't used to the sex and was getting stretched.
Good luck,

Losing your virginity?

Buy some KY and it won't burn any more. I intuitively like the warm kind the best (everyone's different though).

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