What can my pregnant wife do to make her swollen feet/ankles feel better?


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try these tips!

Because gravity plays a big role surrounded by swelling, elevate your feet at lowest three to four times a day. When lying on a sofa or in bed, prop your foot up on pillows; when sitting in a chair, place your foot on a footstool. (This also helps prevent posterior pain.) Here are some more tips:

oDon't sit for long period of time. Make it a point to get up and put your foot for a few minutes of every hour.
oWear full-length support stockings as often as possible, and avoid socks next to tight bands around the calf or ankle.
oExercise help. Water aerobics are ideal because the "hydrostatic" pressure help distribute fluids that have pooled surrounded by your feet.
oAsk your partner, if you own one, to give you a foot manipulate. It will increase circulation and help disperse the edema.
oIncrease your fluid intake. It seem counterintuitive, but the more water you drink, the smaller number swelling and water retention you'll experience.
oDon't squeeze your foot into ill-fitting shoes.

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YOU can rub them for her!

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Elevate them. Try I don`t know soaking them in epsom salt.

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First, help her as much around the house so she can stay bad her feet! Get her a tub or a bucket to soak her feet contained by...put in lukewarm hose and some chamomille or lavender, whatever her inclination scent is (it will be more relaxing that way). Let her soak them for awhile, and then own her elevate them. If you can, massage the swollen areas to get hold of rid of the edema (swelling). You can do it as often as you hold time. It will probably be the best thing for her.

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Elevate her feet after you enjoy given her a nice massage.

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decrease sodium intake, check label and soak them in epsom saline!

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Elevate them watch your brackish intake and water intake and try to stay down as commonly as possible.

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If she elevates them above the stratum of her heart (lay down and put them up on pillows, with knees bent and supported by another pillow) the swelling will moderate. I hope she feel better soon. It is exceptionally thoughtful of you to post this question for her.

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No more salt,maintain them up at all times you will own to do everything for her,which i'm sure you don't mind,massage them for her and keep hold of a hot compress on them,it's time for her to get some bed rest.That's it freshly enjoy the pregnacy.Congrats and God Bless daddy.

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Elevate and message the feet; own her get plenty of bed rest. Also, hold an eye on her blood pressure. It's not good to enjoy too much swelling. If her OB/GYN is not aware of the swelling, I would make him/her aware of it at once.

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Well, I think that you should give somebody a lift a warm towel and wrap it around her ankles/feet, play soothing music and provide her a massage. It is said if you relax it reduce swelling.

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If she is on her feet alot, she should try and sit more frequently during the time and elevate her legs for 10-15 mintues each time. This will minister to with the blood flow to her legs and foot. Also it will help next to the swelling. Wearing support stockings (aka ted hose)will also help beside the circulation down there and lend a hand prevent the swelling.

A good foot and leg mould each darkness won't hurt either!

Congrats, HTH!

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That is a honourable question.I own three children and I had alike problem. Keep her feet elevated as much as possible, soak them contained by warm epsom saline water, and try to polish them gently when ever you can. If your wife's hand get swollen alot too, try massage them too, and keep her relaxed. She should stay sour from her feet as much as possible though. If your wife eat alot of salt, try to draw from her to slack off from that too. Eat alot of fresh veggies and fruit. NO STRESS ALLOWED.

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Get her to a doctor because drastic swelling and weight gain can be a explanation of Gestational diabetes or high blood pressure. No saline or refined sugar. All the foot rubs within the world wont help. Also no soda pops and it is boring but you both owe to to the strength of your baby. And small walk help. Congrats to you both and you Dad for benevolent

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bed rest is the best thing for her

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Have her elevate her feet as much as possible and above her heart. also, let somebody know her not to cross her legs or ankles, that can keep the edema within the legs and feet because your're closing past its sell-by date the vessels needed to circulate. Watch brackish intake.

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im in that too, I take my house shoes to work and cause sure she props her feet up giant!
rub them for her or soak them in sea!

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