im having the following symptoms what do you think it could be?

i am under immense stress,
i cat sleep approaching i used to ie light sleep and rouse up much earlier than i used to
i own a constant headeache, dizziness
memory loss
feel shaky
find it difficult to concentrate or talk or hold a thought as capably or plan
have low appetite and do not guzzle as well as i used to
my body feel weak and worn out
i hold lost quite a bit of freight.
i guess the stress is the main percipitating factor
what can i do roughly speaking it. except remove the stressful thing which miserably i cannot do... thanks!

HI, I have need of help finding slippers for my mother. she have small but wider feet and requirements lots of cushion?

A lot of the symptoms also sound approaching they could be caused by Anemia, which is a dearth of iron in your blood. Talk to your doctor. :-)

Last month i changed my pill from dianette to microgynon. after my dianette packet finished, i have 7 pill ?

why cant u remove the stressful thing

I dont know what this isplease serve me!?


Do you bleed between periods if you hold just sarted taking pill again?

Work out to relieve stress and later take plenty of vitamins and get through as healthy as possible.

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i would come up with all your problems hold to do with stress.

bar remove the stresses other things you can try:
tai chi
aroma therapy
massage therapy
cavernous breathing


Has anyone experinced spotting 6 mos or longer after a hysterectomy. If so what did you find out it was?

Stress could be a contributing factor I know make happen I am going through the same entity. Your guess is right.

Is it possible to get side effects from Depo Provera after have been on it for a while?

To me it sounds similar to depression..I mean you do hold alot of classical depression symptoms!

I got the IUD paragard and my ovary hurt alot why?

sounds close to the symptoms my friend was have after he found out he had lymes Disease, or it could be something else....see a doctor asap.

Help! Is this myth true?

personally, i deduce you should see a doctor, but heres my diagnosis..stress has made your eating/sleep behaviour go past its sell-by date track therefore you touch fatigued and your iron count may be low causing you to perceive dizzy.i dont know what the memory loss would be but thats why you should see a doctor. the weight is from stale track eat traditions..but seriously, id see a doctor

Today is the 7th day that I've have a headache, and I've been intuition dizzy as well. What is wrong next to me?!

If you cant remove the stress than you must find a way to live next to it untill its resolved. Its important to explore adjectives avenues to getting rid of this stress as it is responsible for all your symptoms. Think firm, there must be things you can do to lesson the size of the problem. . .Dont look at the big picture, look at this stress in a different process. . . One step at a time you can free yourself. Also talk to race about it, its amazing how others can identify near some problems and offer insite to guide you to overcomming it! I expect there is one possitive here--------- As long as your surrounded by pain (stress) at most minuscule you know your alive!

When will i stop bleeding?

I have a friend who be just lately suffering from a lot of duplicate symptoms that you have described. She be diagnosed as having hypoglycemia which pertains to your blood sugar level. She is now on a strict diet which is intended to assistance with seriously of the symptoms mentioned. Just might be a possibility that you may want to check into. She went as far as to even almost verbs at work one day due to the headache, dizziness, and poor quality. Now she can better control it and knows what to do when she feel it coming on.

I started my period?

The symptoms you are describing could be due to abundant things. Depression and thyroid dysfunction come immediately to mind. Either on warrant a pop in to a doctor and both can be treated with medication if obligatory. What is this stressful thing which you can't remove, if I may ask?

What do you do near those little pregancy tests you can use at home?

Start your daytime with a apposite stretch - it will take your weaken away and put you in a better mood, than you will discern much better about your self. Also is awfully important to drink lots of hose down.

Is this possible?

Stress can kill you. Hope you can return with away from it.

A procedure connected to a tubal ligation where they mutilation your uterus so you don't menstrate?

Sounds a bit like depression, brought on by your stress. It can do adjectives kinds of ruthless things to your body. It doesn't matter much what you do until you DO achieve rid of the stress. There are ways to get rid of adjectives stress, you just own to know how and do it. Take an assertive course to handle some of it. See a doctor or physiologist. Just achieve help. It can head to all kind of critical conditions.

Any means to prevent pregnancy after intercourse close to pills or sthg and when should they be taken?

well if i did not know any better i would say you own fibromyalgia..You just explained adjectives that is wrong near me and i have be diagnosed with fibromyalgia..It is not enthusiasm threatening but any kind of stress does adjectives of the above..go see your doctor..

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This could be Depression.

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