Women or doctors just! please! this is serious!term?

okay so i am scared! i am 13. i have brownish red grades in my undies, and i have have gas and bloating for a few days. could this be my period?
and also i have have white discharge for about a year so the doctors said a few months ago i might start soon. and i am just nervous/scared. idk what to do! please facilitate me!
and i have had discouraging stomach cramps!
and if this is it how do i tell me mom?



Is it true that Bag Balm get rid of human stretchmarks?

It sounds approaching your first period to me! Just tell your mom. Your 13 years infirm so she should be expecting this anyway!

I'm 15 and i haven't have my extent within 3 months?

Yes, that is it. When you first start your period, it will be vastly light. And the discharge is totally normal. Don't be upset, your fine. I get bad cramps and bloating too. Don't stress.
Wait until you and your mom are alone, and basically say "hey mom, I think I get my period." She'll help you, and update you what to do!!

What can be done to decrese the stomach strain during period!?

yep congrats its ur period. just transmit your mom because she will defiantly know what to do. it's also good to receive a pad on and be prepared for more bleeding! but dont be nervous, your mom will awkwardly kno what to do! it's happened to her and she'll tell you adjectives about it. trust me, im 13 too and even tho i dont have mine, ever since the doc said i mite obtain it sum time this year she's been stocking up the pads within my drawer haha. good luck!

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Ahh, Hunny, this is definatly your period! This is an exciting/scary/embarrassing/unreal.mo... You finally took a step towards womanhood! Now, the first step, you requirement to break the ice with your mom. Just plain out articulate.."Mom, wanna know something real funny that happened today?" this will spark her attention, [ she's be expecting it ] she will calmly say "Yes, dear, what is it?" later the big moment..."Mom, im pretty sure I started my period." Look into her eyes, she will understand. It will probably be one of the happiest moments contained by her life...cause she in a minute knows her "little baby" has grown up! The subsequent step...supplies. Of course, often times when girls bleed, they are gonna need some sort of protection, right? There is a wipe, a tampon, or if you are really whacko, a moon cup. For begginers, your best shot is a pad. It works real all right, and there are even scented ones! [ i know. right? ] Pads are plainly worn outside the body, while tampons are worn inside the body. Tampons may seem hard to "put in" at first, but after some skilled practice, you will be a pro within no time! Tampons are best for girls who play sports. It is going to be an exciting point in your life right in a minute. You may want to tell friends, you may not. But whatever you choose to do, cause sure you do it the way YOU feel is right. A girl wants to follow what she thinks, and no one else. Take charge of your body, and your atmosphere! I hope I helped!


Bitrth Control Nueva Ring ?

oh we all stir through that! but yeah those are sings that your going to start you period pretty soon, maybe not fully this month but conceivably next month dont be scared its ordinary.. and just tell your mom, I know it can be embarassing but is everyday and she knows that... hello she has/had one herself! 4 more inf. go here Good Luck and dont verbs!! I had my periopd when I was 12 Im 19 immediately..

Period Problem- Help Wanted?

im no doctor but the it definatly sounds like a period..

first item yuh should do is tell your parent or gardian

second put on a pad idmitatly

to communicate your mom is tell your moom the same process you told thousands of people on the internet you dont even know

hope i helped

I a own a pakage explicitly going to be deliver by fedexe what does At dest sort facility expect?

It's your time of year!

Just tell your mom. she's not gonna care, shes be waiting for you to come to her with it! Be careful, they similar to to tell fathers too... I remember my dad wise saying "congrats ur a woman now "

and oh boy, that wasn't very comforting.. lol..

I'm 22 very soon... it's been about 11 years since i get my first one.

OH god ! I didnt realize its been that long! AH!

Of what practical rush is the hymen?

it happens to adjectives girls
wait until you have proof that you own your period
aka - until it shows up on your underwear
then basically show your mom
thats what i did
she will take care of the rest

Uhh, cherry?

Yes it is your spell, go tell mum,right to be heard I'm bleeding in my pants Mum,and she will know what to do.

My mom does not believe me and ive base it on what YOU ppl on yahoo told me!?

ur dying.

Answer y do girls shave their pubes!?

I'm near you, Lieta - I just realized how antediluvian 22 seems all of a sudden. And Brooke have great advice, also.

Yes, this is probably your period. Time to address to Mom. This is a natural thing, and though it's awkward for you, your mom have been going through it for years and can answer any questions that you may hold. Feel free to do some research on your own as well.

Find out what's comfortable and what works for you. I could never stand pads, but that's my nouns. Your mother will most likely have you use doesn`t matter what she prefers, but don't be afraid to try something different. Oh, and all packages come with instructions, so you can totally avoid that "um...help" confer. *grins*

I've never had much experience with pain/bloating, but on a infrequent bad day, Tylenol/Advil/whatever will suffice for me. You may similar to to try Midol as well.

You may be very anomalous for your first year or so - no worries! Your body is still developing. Talk to your mother and perhaps your doctor about taking birth control pills - though you may be a bit childlike yet. If I remember correctly, they prefer that you wait until 15, but I could be wrong. Your mom probably won't freak over this conversation, and brand sure to highlight the facts that it regulates your hormones and can also clear up skin conditions (if you have any). If she say no, perhaps it can become an option then - at least bringing it up now eliminate that often difficult "Mom...I need to be on birth control" discussion.

Even if your not sexually moving (and don't worry if you're not, it's a great thing when YOU want it and a in position for it), bc. can be a good option when it is out of danger for you to do so.

Not sure of what else to tell you, except to not be scared. Remember, women adjectives over the world have been have this for centuries...before sanitary items existed...some cultures sent their women into the woods when it happened. So be thankful that you're living in a time where you solely have slight inconvenience!

Good luck, hon! Oh, and yes - Dad IS going to find out. He may not say anything...don't consent to it bother or embarass you. It's part of growing up.

ps. Once you figure out what works best for you, preserve extras in your bookbag/purse/whatever...be prepared!

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  • Tampon or Pad?
  • Why cant i insert a tampon?

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