Is this word appropriate?

I usually use the word "t i t s" to refer to breasts (mine or someone else's), but some people seem sulky by this. I have always thought it be just a casual occupancy, and I think it sounds better than boobs. What do you think?

Im 13, get my length contained by january, and i missed it?

It's helpful of an immature term. A lot of boys refer to breasts at ****. Some society may take it offensively if they grain it is being used in a derogatory sense. If you want associates to take you seriously then you should basically call them breasts.

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it's vulgar, and usually used by boys and men. i personally come up with it sounds disrespectful and immature when boys say it and trashy and self-deprecating when young at heart girls say it (i have never hear a girl older than 17 or 18 say it). "boobs" is a FAR milder and uninterested term.

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T its to me sound (UGH, I can't believe I'm motto this, but oh well XD)... vulgar. Kind of like what really obnoxious boys would voice. >.< I think a better "casual" term would be boobs, or you could other say the "politically correct" word, being breasts.
...This is awkward. xD;

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Not appropriate contained by public.

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they r called BREASTS, REMEMBER..?!!?!!??!!

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I only use t its when I'm tomfoolery or with my friends, its not appropriate to people you dont know.

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In common, boys say **** and girls say boobs. But that isn't written surrounded by stone anywhere.

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well i wouldnt... more a term men use... i assume boobs sound more... lady approaching?

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I wouldn't say it.
It sounds like you're not conversant.

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I don't appreciate when I hear people say it.
Breast or boobs is better.


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Why not a moment ago call them what they are...breasts?

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