Are tampons devout to use when you first capture your time or pad?

I don't have my period (but i want it.) Like adjectives of my friends do though and half of them use tampons and half use pad. I want to know which i should use. I want to use tampons but i think it would it would uncomfortable. Maybe i am wrong but i hold tried on a pad to what it feels like(please don't judge it's weird.) And to me the pad feel really weird and i had to save adjusting it which should i use and which brand would you prefer and thin please next to good proctetion.

Thick stringy discharge?

Hey, I don't think that's unnatural. Might as well get used to it, right? I did alike thing when I was a babyish lady. :0)

Well, I personally never use tampons unless I am going swimming or wearing something I enjoy to wear a thong underneath (like a dress you could see my panty line though). I just resembling pads better. They seem to be more protected and provide better protection.

I use Always Regular. They are in a blue package and the little picture on them is green. You could try the ones next to wings, also. That holds them in place better. Using a wipe is kind of like wearing a bra. When you first start wearing a bra, it's really annoying but after awhile you draw from used to it. Pads are like that. I have never have the best luck with tampons. They often slick and I just like pad better.

You should try both when you get your period (don't verbs, it'll come soon) and see which you like better.

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Honey, trust me there's no need to verbs. I'm not sure exactly how old you are but a woman's period comes at different times for respectively woman, it'll eventually come for you, and getting it later on doesn't make you any smaller quantity of a woman.

For me personally, tampons are way more comfortable and verbs. However, for your first time you may need practice inserting the tampon, it all comes near practice and major relaxation. You have to grasp that a tampon will not harm you and it doesn't hurt.

Pads on the other hand can be a angelic alternative for when your period flow is very neutral. If you are uncomfortable with using tampons, my suggestion is to use the pads. Nothing wrong with that.

For tampons, I would recommend tampax pearl.
For pad, I recommend always
You have to choose which one suits you best

Good luck!

Anorexia and time.?

you enjoy the same prob as me...friends complaining, but it seems similar to they are bragging and it feels like they are within a "club" you cant quite join...dont verbs it will come=)
tampons are def the most comfortable and handy. good for heavier periods, once you numeral out your cycle. at the beginning, i recommend pads. they are a bit diaper-ish, but you can switch to tampons when YOU want to.
and its not unusual to try on a pad!! unless you think its strange that almost every girl does it once in a while=)
ALWAYS ROCKS. probably the best brand. nuff said.
i swear you will similar to it=)
good luck

I have my spell not long ago and 1 week subsequently after i finshed i have brown bllood anything wrong?

i would start by using pads becuase they are alot easier to put on. although they do surface gross and like a diapper you will b alot happier. the ones tht i like are not wiry but i use always regular maxi, they are thick but i other feel safe and know tht i wont leaak. they also hold wings so you dont have to hold re adjusting...i also want to say that you dont want your time of year i just got mines and it is horrible. hope i help

I don't know if I'm going to turn on my first time even so if so when.?

Stick with pads at first, after move on to tampons. I suggest Always medium pad, they are comfortable and they absorb quickly. For tampons i suggest Tampax Pearl. They don't seepage at all and they are easy to insert/remove. TAmpons can be mortified until you learn how to properly insert them. When inserted correctly, you can't even feel them!

Good Luck


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its really what u surface comfortable with. pads obligation to be in the correct position on ur underwear so they dont feel discomfited and slip and stuff, and with tampons u have 2 obtain used to putting in the correct position inside u so it doesnt leak. individually i prefer pads just because they are easier for me. if u agree on to wear a tampon its always best to wear a light wad on ur underwear just incase it does leak. and u should pick the correct absorbancy any regular light or super so u dont have any leak, this will take a few times to adjust until u r used 2 how heavy ur flow is. i hope this help :)

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it's mre of a personal decision to decide if you want to use pad or tampons. tampons may be a bit harder to use for the first time, but that's just my thought. i started using pads, nd when i get comfortable with my flow and everything, i use tampons as well. if you desire to use tampons, try them when you have ur period. unlike pad, don't try the tampons when you don't have ur period. inserting a tampon inside ur self short ur period will soak up all the well brought-up bacteria that fight impossible bacteria and infection. it will also dry ur vagina, which is NOT good.

hope this help..^.^
if you have further questions, consistency free to contact me

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pads are best until you are comfortable with the foreboding of getting your period and your period comes regularly. other pads with wipe (such a nice bonus! trust me) are fantastic. they are thin and ive never had a overflow in them. just chose the right one to meeting your flow, at first mine was very neutral so you wont need a maxi pad or anything. move about get em girl!

Extreme menstrual anguish...?

it's probably a good notion to wear pads your first few periods to obtain to understand what your flow is like, how long your period last, what days your period is indigestible, etc..

after you understand your flow, you can start using tampons.

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i used pads the first time i have my period but after that i had 2 use tampons because pad make me feel dirty and psyche never go back to them.basically my opinion. if u put it in proper later it should be ok and trust me do nt wish u had ur extent, u wont be so happy with the cramps that come beside it lol

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Hey I have my period and I go out with my mom shopping to by some feminine things and she told me to get one of everything so I could find whats right for me. so I hope this help

signed: Miley.R.Cyrus ^_^!

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I've only had my time of year for about a year and I use tampons but I started with pad. They are very uncomfortable and I importantly prefer tampons! I would start with pads until you become comfortable near your body and period.

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Start out with pad and when you feel comfortable enough try tampons. Any slim brand should work appropriate for you.
Good Luck

Please no distasteful or judgemental answers. This is a serious "woman" ask?


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PADS!! just getting use to the alien change in you time. just getting use to bleeding for a few days.

use pads

Need some answers?

you should use a wipe until your period gets regular.

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Girl stick to pad at first , when you comfortable try tampons

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It is definitely a personal preference. But I can explain to you what I know. I much prefer tampons. Pads feel uncomfortable and dirty to me. When a tampon is inserted correctly you do not perceive it at all. At most, you feel the string (that dangles) from time to time, but you really do not get the impression anything. When I first got my period I used pad for the first 4 or 5 years and I can't believe that I did looking back! I don't know how I managed. I reckon it really depends on how heavy your flow is. For me the first 2 days are heavy so if I be to use a pad I would have to be surrounded by the bathroom every time I get up, or more than once an hour. Whereas a tampon I can leave contained by for a few hours and it doens't even feel like I'm on my time. But it really is a personal preference, so I think when the time comes for you you should try both! Don't permit tampons scare you, either choice is a flawless one and the right one for you if that is what you are comfortable with.

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