Why is my fiance so tired adjectives the time?
Answers: Read "What boys and men should know about menstrual cycle" and more surrounded by http://www.menstrual-cycle.info/.
Stress, anemia, thyroid. She should probably go to a doctor, and they will do blood work to check for infections, or cancer, or other things. I was REALLY tired for more or less 6 months. I'd get 10 hours of sleep at night, and later fall asleep whether I wanted to or not within the early afternoon. I finally found out my thyroid was low, and am on meds to replace it. I other thought it would be aweful to be on meds for the rest of my life, but the difference in how I perceive is SOOOOOOOOO wonderful. I'm normal again (at least contained by how tired I am, and how much energy I have). dude she might be pregnant! ask her if she's had her monthly.