Why haven't I grown taller?

Im a girl, three months to 17 and Im only 5'2- 5'2 1/2 andI haven't grown at all since I be 12 (and since early 12).
I guess its normall for some girls to be that height but its unexpected, cause I was a usual height all through elementary university and there were seriously of kids shorter than me and then all of a sudden I be super short compared to everyone else. The girls that were way shorter than me are adjectives the same height immediately.
I had a huge growth spurt when I was 11 and I remember my friend who be a year older being surprised that I have gotten almost as tall as her and then she continued growing adjectives through her teens and I'm way shorter.
My mom is 5'0 and my sis is 5'1 but my dad is 5'11 and the female verison of that increase is 5'7. But the point is that I stopped growing so early. Is that normal?

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The same exact entity happened to me! I had a growth spurt surrounded by like 5th grade, and consequently i was a little taller, or passageway taller, than most of the girls in my grade. Then adjectives of them started to grow and i just stayed the same largeness, 5'2.5. I think i just developed quicker than other girls, and the same thing could be true for you also. I never expected to be completely tall though because my dad is 5'5- 5'6 and my mom is 5'4. But it was funny surrounded by elementary school because everyone wuld always comment on how soaring i was, and now... not a soul says that anymore.

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Feel blessed!

It's o.k. to be short or tall.

I be 5'11" at 14. And now I am 6'0". Growth spurts happen at the oddest times to adjectives of us. We are all different.

Just imagine if we be all the same?

Read this if you want to know what it's similar to to be a tall teen:

Love you for you.

I hope this helps.

All My Best,


Unprotected sex, burning, allergy?

I've be 5'1 since 6th grade and I'll be 19 in 3 weeks. My mom is 5'4, but my concerned grandma was only 4'11. Everyone else is elevated. I guess I inherited the short gene! Honestly, I like person short and petite.

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Because you didn't get enough sleep adjectives your life. Being serious. Its not normal to stop growing so precipitate. Especially 11 years old!

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