I'm a Virgin and..?

I've been with my boyfriend for one year and 3 months. And we haven't have sex yet. We r both virgins. We both want to take it a step further and own sex, but the only thing is, that I'm too startled. I think it might hurt REALLY BAD! And I'm scared.so does anyone (particularly females) enjoy any advice at what I might expect? Or if I'm over reacting? Thx

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not to panic u but it hurts like hell...when i lost mind i didnt imagine that it wld hurt as unpromising as it did...the way i lost mine was the guy be sitting down an i was straddling him on top. that way he cld push into me an when it hurt really unpromising i cld pull up..an then we wld jump back at it...it took a wile for the guy to get inside me...but purely imagining i think that wld b the easiest route to do it so that ur tech. in control on account u ahve adjectives the pain in it. so if i be u thats how i wld do it.
and the hurting thing..i hope this doesnt scare u away from doin it...cuz it is really dutiful when u love the person.
also it will still hurt the next few times u do it. and even still blead the subsequent time u do it.

hope this helps

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When you are ready, and not in the past, go slow and take your time. Have him start beside his fingers, one, then two, to get you used to it. When he uses his penis it may hurt for a time your first time, especially if his is very large. If it hurts at adjectives the pain won't be bad, and it won't end long. If it hurts too much, make him stop. You can also experiment with vibrators so that you can obtain used to it. Lubrication can also be very helpful!

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You necessitate to be sure you bf knows that your first time you guys might not even have full sex. Get lots of lube, a lubed condom may sustain, and make sure the lube you get is compatable near condoms. I recommend Astroglide. You may also want to think about getting on birth control until that time having sex just to prevent any condom leak. Condoms CAN and DO leak EVEN IF THEY DON'T BREAK! You need to budge slow and start with lots of foreplay, oral sex, etc. Then after you are very turned on try intercourse, but usually you man on top is best so you can control how deep he goes. You may not even be capable of go all they approach the first time or two. You might want to even start with fingering. Try 1 then 2 consequently 3 and so on. This will help stretch you some. Just so you know. Full intercourse is not what is most pleasureable to a woman anyways. Mostly, oral sex is. There is no reason for you to rear into having full blown intercourse. Also, be sure you guys really love each other and are devoted to respectively other.

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I would ask you your age. If you're under 15, sounds like you should linger. If you're over 15 and this is something you're sure you want, (not just something he's sure he wants) then experiment a moment or two more. Have you ever orgasmed? Have you ever masturbated? If not, defiantly practice with these things first. Learn how to work your clit, hold him stimulate your g-spot with his finger (it's a spot way up inside your vagina that his finger can hit and it will have a feeling a little tougher than the other areas to him and and may feel rather like it might make you enjoy to pee to you at first, but then it will feel really polite after you practice a little. Experiment with oral sex (be sure you're both tested for adjectives STD's first!!) and once you've done all of these things and become amply comfortable with sticking things within your vagina and having it feel accurate, then have sex.

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Honestly, if you enjoy to second guess yourself then you are not ready. To answer your query, it does not hurt, i will assure you that the feeling will be weird for you seeing it will be your first time. Be on your guard though, since yo are a virgin you might bleed. Ever heard of "pop your cherry"? It doesn't affect all girls, but only be cautious. You don't want blood everywhere. And if it his first time as well he is lately as clueless as you are! Don't think about a short time ago go with the flow.

Question give or take a few my term?

Don't do it! I seriously regret it in a minute that my mom found out! Even though he's still with me I'm afraid he'll leave me, because I looked-for him to be my first and only. So don't... And yes! IT HURTS BAD! Even the second time and the third... Be safe if you are going to but you might be allergic to latex so... Yeah there's like mad of things to worry about.

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my boyfriend and i enjoy been together for almost 8 months and we almost had sex second time i was at his house but i was a lil disturbed. your not over reacting, alot of girls are like us.. basically take your time. i heard the first time hurts but after that its cool. we've done other stuff so i dont deem it will hurt much for mee. maybe just bring back the first one over with.
whatever you do, do it because you want to, not because your pressured into it. sex is a big step.

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If you are unsuspecting... then DO NOT do it. you will just regret it. your first time desires to be very special. and of you do choose to have sex receive sure you are on birth control AND wear a condom. i got pregnant when i turned 16 and trust me it was the hardest entry i have ever done!!

oh yeah if you do not know about birth control its really straightforward to get. and your parents do not have to know. only go to a clinic or your doctor and they will give it to you for free! it is against the canon to tell your parents.. so make sure you catch it BEFORE you have sex... :)

Good luck with your conclusion

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First tip is to relax (Easier said than done) Make sure you are 100% ready. Each persons '1st time' is different. Personally for me I didn't find it a raw experience. Practice makes perfect, don't expect it to be magical and amazing, because it may not be. It will however be a special moment so don't rush into anything. And of late for good measure other practice safe sex. You'll be fine! x

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No, of course your not over react it's your first time and on your first time you always over react. But trust me it doesn't hurt it feel good, think just about it, it must feel good if race are always doing it and guys are obsessed over it.

Anger issues?

1. your unqualified.
2. try being with him for atleast 6 mos
3. to be honest it will hurt. but not the "im gonna die" hurt.
when you are in position make sure you take it slow. dont enjoy him ramming his thing into you. you might of late punch him in the face.

be wary protect yourself

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If you're scared don't do it. When you're ready it will a moment ago come. I personally think ancestors should just wait until they're married. Only because your virginity is the best contribution you can give to that special man. It's something that you'll never be able to gain back once you lose it.

Still no time and its be close to 4-5 months?

I say apt for your guys. I think it is great that you are both still virgins. I would continue waiting if you get the impression uncomfortable about it. Yes it does hurt and is terrifically uncomfortable which is why you should wait until you know he is the one

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This is a difficult grill to answer without knowing your age. If you are under 18 years it will hurt REALLY, REALLY BAD. If you are over 18 it will hurt smaller number if you are relaxed, in love and ready.

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you hold to do it when your ready and if your not sure about it next maybe you should wait a moment or two bit longer.sometimes it hurts alot and sometimes it doesnt. it all depends on the person so if your really organized you would be able to tell

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Well I give attention to that it is way to early to be habing sex. You may break up and later your viginity will be wasted on some guy. If your gonna do it, do it with a husband.

P.S. It does hurt.

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Yes it does hurt, reasonably badly the first few times. But after a while is goes away and it be worth the initial discomfort. Don't rush anything if you don't feel ready nonetheless.

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I can clearly tell (from what you've written) that you are not ready, I f I be you I'd think about it some more and be paid your decision a little subsequent. If he cares for you, believe me, he will eat.

Ways to Prove virginity?

Depending on him it is going to hurt. No process around it. Use protection, some lube, and relax. You will get use to it and it will get great it of late takes time

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k i kno this sounds really gross and it kinda is, but take little things and work you means of access up to it and when u r ready, make sure u "reheat up" have fun!

I want oblige next to girl stuff?

well how infirm r u first of all and if i were you i would not because you could obtain aids if you have sex with anyone else after him.

I hold support soreness and stomach sting is it ordinary. i adjectives the time discern hungry,?

all right u might not be ready if your worried about the agony but if your going to go through it let him finger you first. it help me alot wen i lost my virginity a month ago.

My girlfriend is have a terrifically standard lamp time, and here be a brown discharge beforehand that. can someone lend a hand me?

its quite painful
it will hurt probably the first 10 time u own sex
bt i was really numb

Ladies, is it difficult for you to carry out an orgasm?

it would really help to know how elderly you are , but if it is right it will be worth the wait and the minor discomfort

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It is very fearsome, only do it when you are ready.

Answer Mine:

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You are cold yet...wait you will know when the time is right :)

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get hold of married before u have sex or otherwise, ur screwed next to your parents if they find out if u pregnant!

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If you second think it, you're not ready.

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If you're ill-equipped, then you're not ready. Use some one-fingered gloves when you do it, though. Thanks.

Am I pregnant My boyfriend's penis touched my vagina but he have a condom on.But it tore and me moved sour.?

Expect lots of backache and agony. It'll be the worst day of your life. And even if you're a virgin, expect to grasp AIDS.

Have a nice day!

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It's hard. And disgusting. And it might break his penis.

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