When will my bladder tack involve to be redo?
Answers: If a bladder tack is done correctly it shouldn't need to be redone.
If she's suffering the symptoms that prompted her to enjoy the procedure done in the first place then she should return with in to see her gynecologist..
I had one done nearly the same time.
It shouldn't need to be done again unless it be faulty like mine be.
Luckily, they found out it was faulty past they closed me up.
Have her check w/ the Urologist that did the surgery if she thinks it's falling. I assume the symptoms would be the same as what she have before surgery???
If her uterus fell then did she own a hysterectomy w/ the bladder tack? I did. best thing I ever did. If she didn't & she had a kid since then that's the reason, I'm sure!
If she didn't gain a hysto. maybe she should consider one.