Period serve!?!?******
1) is it hard to use a tampon?
2) how long can you walk with out changing your wipe
3) i get really oily when i draw from it so wats the best thing to use
Answers: 1)no but you shouldn't use a tampon on your first period.
2)It depends on how filling your period I just check it every time I run to the bathroom and if its filled I change it.
3)I use Nuetragena facade washes everything from them has worked for me..
It's not frozen to use a tampon, but if you are still a virgin it will hurt to put the tampon in. You will get used to it though.
It depends on how immense your periods are, but I wouldn't go for more than perchance 2-4 hours without changing my wad.
As far as oily skin there's nothing you can really do in the order of it, if you usually get it around your period. Just hold on to a makeup klinex tissue with you and when your face get oily just dap it. .
1) I enjoy no idea, I don't use them.
2) It depends on your flow, but it is suggest you change it every 2 hours, they receive smelly.
3) If you mean your face get oily, try a gentle cleanser that won't clog your pores. Or, if you mingy your hair gets slippery, then be sure to wash it every morning.
I also suggest you take a shower, or bath, ever time. Your period can make you smelly, and it's considerable that you keep yourself clean "down there". .
It isnt firm for me to use a tampon and never has been. Make sure you take it all the way contained by. You should check your pad often. You cna look at it and describe if it needs to be changed. It depends if you bleed alot. A pad smells too so specifically another reason why I wear tampons. I dont understand what get oily. If it is your face, soap will dry it. If it is your private parts use a mini wipe with a tampon. 1- not really. you just shouldnt use one until you've have it for about 6 months to a year.
2- it depends on what kind of wipe your using.
3- i used alot of acne products in the past, &for me, the best entry is just straight bar soap, or foot soap..
1)no not iff your using it the right way
2)whenever u have blood conversion it
3)i use clean and clear or powder foundation cuts on the oily look