When the hell will it gain here?

I've had discharge for about 1 year and i want my extent and everyone is telling me it will come and i know it will but when? My friends and their older sisters told me it is base on when you mom got hers and my mom got hers when she be 11 and i am 11(turning 12 in may.) So in that month could i still bring back it?

thankx and websites are good!

Why do we obtain to be on our time of year?

The question would be...How much do you weigh? And also..do you own a good healthy bond next to your father? If you are under 110 pounds or you DO have a honourable relationship with your father..this could delay your first mentrual cycle. 110 pounds contained by usually the time when girl starts. If you are over 110 pounds, and fo not have a father figure contained by your life..than don't worry it will be soon.

Have you used the Diva Cup or any related products?

it is not other dependant on when your mom and sisters got theirs - my sis got hers at 14 and her daughters get theirs at 11 -it also depends on other things like maybe your immensity - I have a friend who has a 17 year behind the times daughter who has yet to receive hers and we think it is probably because she is very scrubby and very althletic, but her younger sister is 12 and will probably get hers soon, they are built differently.

Don't be contained by such a hurry to grow up - and can I tell you a "secret" - it can be a pain surrounded by the neck to have it!

Talk to your doctor or the nurse in the order of it.

Have a good day, ok? : )

Would more blood circulating the breast nouns spawn the breast bigger?

Glad you resembling the website but on this website you have to be 13 before you can be on it, it's contained by the rules which you must not have read before you fixed. You can be reported and womenanswers.org will delete your account until you turn 13. As far as your question, age really have nothing to do with it. Hormones do. Don't be within a hurry to get your period, wallow in your painfree life. I was 12, my sister be 16, my daughter was 10 and my granddaughter was 11 so as you can see, nearby is no set time for it to start. You will when it is time but it is no fun to have a period, believe me so don't try to rush it.

It hurts still so much?

Its different for everyone. You can dance roughly by your mother but its not exact. If you are highly active it wont come till following. Ive known a couple of female athletes that didnt gain their period till they were close to 17 and even then it was exceedingly light...hardly at adjectives. There is no use rushing it. You have the next 50 years of your duration to have periods!

Is it supposed to smell approaching blood when a woman is on her length?

It's also base on when your grandmother or aunt on your father's side got her period. I started at 13. My mom's side of the ancestral started at 17 or 18. My dad's side at 13.

It happens when it happens. You can hold the discharge for years before getting your first period.

Read more here: http://www.kotex.com

Periods hold be getting...strange?

Trust me when I notify you that once you get it, you will remember how nice it was NOT to own one. Yes, it means coming into womanhood so-to-speak. But you get glorious scratchy cramps, bloating, irritability oh and pms if your really lucky. Be patient.

Youngest age to start?

You will start your period when it's time. Honestly, you DO NOT want it!! Enjoy the time in a minute. But, if you do think you may start soon, keep supplies surrounded by your bookbag, locker, purse, and other places. Include an extra pair of panties!

I took the pill have sex and consequently forgot to filch it for the subsequent two days. could i be pregnant?

It's not based on when your mother get hers. My mother started when she was 15, and I started when I was eleven.

Your internal organs don't know anything going on for numbers and calendars and stuff. They run on their own schedule. Just be merciful.

Could i bleach my joyful trail?

Be patient it will start but the more you stress about it, the longer it will run, so relax. i wish i did not have to business deal with mine at the moment!

Does masturbation?

You're 11 and you're using language close to "when the hell will it get here"?!? Sounds like PMS to me.

I not long get my term spinal column after several years but im still UW?!?

Weight Gain On Period?
I am currently nursing my son. How long do I own to dawdle if I stop nursing him presently to hold breast aug?
My guy and I be foolin around for the first time. He have a funky fishy discharge from his penis.?
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