My guy and I be foolin around for the first time. He have a funky fishy discharge from his penis.?
Answers: Yuck! You might want to inspect for barnacles as well~~~
hmm, as a guy i would say thats not exactly whats supposed to come out of here. but then again, every guy's different. i guess the best way to know what the treaty is, is whether it was a milky color resembling semen or "pre-***" or not. what a man eats and drinks have a lot to do with the smell and even soft spot of his semen. so either your guy eats closely of fishy foods, or theres something wrong that needs to be checked out
If it smells fishy then he may ably have a sexually transmitted infection called trichomonas. He should put together an appointment and be checked out at his local GUM clinic, and you two should definitely NOT have sex until he have been checked out (and treated).
No! Stay away until you get a piece of daily with a date showing you that he has no STDS. Because thats exactly what it sounds close to. If the tests come out positive, now he know and you know to stay away. BE CAREFUL!
all guys get that when you attain exsited, its normal.
they call it pre-***.
but as far as i know it's not sepose to smell that mode.
maybe you should talk to him going on for it.
What's it smell like, penis? My penis smells but I'm use'd to it.
Hope this info helps.
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ummm.. it isnt majority.. the funky fish smell is prolly from him not washing from after his last encounterguys, if ur ***** smell, dry-clean them! thats gross, way to put someone off sex!
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