When be your first time?

when was your first time having sex? Im 13 (almost 14) and i kinda want to hold sex, but then again i dont. Im not pressured or anything, but i just want to.

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i first have sex when i was 13 but now i am 15 and i am near a guy who i really really care about and i decision i had waited.

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don't ... sex isn't freshly an act.
it affects your emotions and your enthusiasm in general. you inevitability to wait until you are married. if you have sex since you have a lifetime commitment your are opening the door to STD, pregnancy, heartbreak, among lots other things. you life isn't the only duration affected. sex is a beautiful point and is meant to bless your life if handle correctly. it was created to bring two separate people together and for them to become one.
don't steal that from yourself.

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you own NOTHING to lose by waiting at least a few years. it is normal to WANT it very soon, but just remind yourself that this can totally suck or be an amazing and memorable experience. it will totally suck if you budge for it now. if you wait, you will be much more fully grown, physically and emotionally and mentally, and you will appreciate the experience that much more. trust me--you will NOT regret waiting AT LEAST 3 more years, but you may regret jumping into it now impose you are curious. half the fun is the build up and anticipation! why lose it all right immediately, at the very beginning of youth?

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i waited till my wedding darkness. there is no crime in waiting. sex isnt a winter sport and to be honest with you regardless of what all the others articulate and teens believe sex isnt for them to mess about with. it is a payment for when you are married to enrich your relationship. sex isnt the sole reason for a relationship it is just a side benefit on a highly long list of things in natural life that make you want to be with one another. dont rush into it. it is notably overrated unless the circumstances are right and i believe that time is when you are married. i may be ridiculed for what i believe but god designed sex for marriage, it istn some animal instintct, true sex is about giving of yourself to another not basically pleasuring your own needs.

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I was almost 19 my first time. 13 is clearly too young to have sex! Please linger until you are older or until you are married. You don't want to deal beside STDs or unplanned pregnancies at your age. You are not physically or emotionally ready for the consequences at 13. WAIT.

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soo should wait. i wait til i was 17. wait til you are within love and happy and comfortable with that personality. most likely whoever you are with right presently you arent gonna be with in a couple of years and it will be awkward going to arts school with them dont ya think? sex can net things complicated. do you want a kid at 13? condoms are only 97% effective. that medium 3 out of 100 ppl get pregnant. well its your choice you hold to live with the rest of your life but i would vote wait.

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okayy seriously dont listen to all those ppl on here axiom that your too young and abstinence is the answer..blahblahblah.. haha. if you grain like your ready after just do it.. and make sure you wanna do it cuz you really approaching the guy, not just cuz you wanna have sex.. i'm close to exactly the same age as you hah-i turn 14 next friday-- ALOT of ppl told me to dawdle and w/e but if your ready and sure you wanna.. like nike say..
just do it!

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I was 15 [I'm still 15, almost 16]
I feel it was the right time..
I've been beside the guy for a while, and I truly love him.
I think 13 is a bit too young..
But you should do it whenever you get the impression you're ready.
Just wait for the special guy [:
Don't do it newly because everyone else is or something like that..
You'll end up regretting it.
And when you do, build sure to use protection [condoms, birth control];
Not only does it protect you from getting pregnant, but STD's as well.

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all right, i was 21 for my first time. why is it that 13 yr olds want to have sex currently? i had no desire to even consider sex at that age. you should wait a few more years, and it will be worth it when you do find that special someone.

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Well i be 17 now 18 and i don regret it because im still with him and he is the guy i love! You can loaf believe me.. You think it is all wonders but u wont hold the feeling at such young age adjectives your gonna get is pain. Believe me

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i be 15 right after freshman year. i thought i loved him and it was all great. next he turned out to be a pothead lying asshole. mistake. and you live with the regret FOREVER. just to tolerate u know.

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I was 16, in the backseat of my saloon, at a football game. It was awkward. First time for both of us.

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OMG!...Same I'm 13 almost 14 and I kinda want to...but them I kinda don't mete out it might hurt..But I'm a virgin..So yeahhh

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I waited until I married my husband so it was our honeymoon. I be about 28 years old. Abstinence is best.

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Don't rush it. It will come soon plenty. One mistake and your life will forever be changed.

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Wait until you are married.

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you are too young. You should linger.

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