Ladies what do you transport?

my female friend
doesn't carry pepper spray not even a stun gun
I verbs about her sometimes
I think I want to procure her something
because no matter how many times
I report her to go buy one she doesn't listen
for those who have something
tolerate me know
how practical is it?

Does anyone know how to abet a girl during her 'time?'?

I don't carry anything. I understand this world is a crazy place, but most populace are safe. As much as the news parley about these dangers, it's much more dying out than you'd think it is. No matter what your friend does, she can glibly be overpowered by someone stronger than her, or just smarter. It doesn't hurt to be prepared, but sometimes people regard they're safer than others ("That'll never happen to me!")

Plz insist on me that the time of birth for memorandum H and rashi Cancer (eg, p is the length for oct. & Virgo)?

The best protection is to never look helpless or on your own. Sometimes the best protection is a cellphone, talking to someone in the order of where you are and what you're doing.

Pepper spray is good if you dont point it to the twirl =]
Chapstick and stilletto heels are good if you know to use them

Hope it helps!

Fighting low self esteme?

I don`t know im naive but i think a stun gun is possibly going a bit far, although it does depend on how rough your area is i guess. i carry an attack alarm on my keyring, a short time ago makes a loud noise and draws attention when you verbs out the tag. if she carries a handbag in general then something like that isn't too much trouble. A stun gun really does seem to be quite excessive to me. I don't know anyone who carries anything more than an attack alarm, but my nouns isn't REALLY rough. ultimately its up to her.

Is she going through menopause?

Actually, I think the idea that putting surrounded by something in your pocket book will keep you not dangerous is ... dangerously unrealistic.

Remember, you're more likely to be kill with your own gun than by a stranger's.

Perhaps getting her lessons contained by self defense would be cool. Its both physically good for her and it can NEVER be used against her.

I hold getting term approaching cramps (not tightening resembling braxton hicks) what can i do to clear them stop fyi?

Hairspray will do it and loud whistle.. to carry .. that can be hear from a long distance away and always have a cell phone that works, Always to stay alert.and never to bring shortcuts through lonely or dark areas.. and if someone is following.. she should walk to to the nearest houses and press adjectives the the buzzers.. and not to run but walk with confidence as though she know where she is going..if someone follows she should walk to a house and prentend she lives here.. and that someone is home..that may turn someone off to choose her as a victim. and in recent times never park a car in a dull spot.. park it as close as possible to where other people are... and until that time getting in the car.. don't acquire in until you are sure nobody hides somewhere on the hindmost seat .. she should have her knob ready as soon as she gets in the vicinity the car and get surrounded by and lock all doors and drive and never stop for anyone. If the car breaks down.. not to get hold of out but call someone and carry a record of phone numbers to phone in an she does never abandon the saloon if she got a car trouble.. but to use her cell phone and hold numbers ready to call someone to come and assistance her.. and to never accept help from a stranger ...xxxand to not amenable the window or door for him or her.. and never stop for hitchhikers..ever xxx

On a extent of 1-10, how much did it hurt when your hymen broke?

my guy friend bought me pepper pray. he bought me the one that fogs when you spray it instead of shooting out directly because he thinks I would probably own bad aim? lol
i'm afraid to use it. cause what if i have to pepper spray i bad guy outside while it was blowing hard, and the pepper fog blew to me instead of him?? =P

Vaginal smegma?

Razor sharp wit and looks that could kill...and if that doesn't work, I can gouge out eyes and/or slit throats with my coup?? keys. Then I don't have to verbs about someone using my OWN stun gun on me.

For females: Abnormal spell, is this something to verbs more or less?

I dont carry anything, not several people do.
I think carrying something close to that makes you paranoid that one day ure gunna own to use it, u dont want a constant reminder that the world is a dangerous place.

Deprovera shot?

It's called a fist.

Very efficient.

but if you are worried, convince her to take self defense classes. That's what I did. I took Tae Kwon Do. Very useful and a great exercise. Fun too.

Why am i breaking out? abet me!!?

I'd never take around pepperspray as I do believe it's illegal in the UK. Hairspray works a treat though, or alternatively I pass my keys in my paw.

1st Time protected... .. Late time?

I carry the pepperspray you keep on your keychain because I other use a different sized purse.This way,I never leave home short it.

How heaps weeks/days be i if crown rump measured 10mm?

I don't carry anything. But you can use your keys, fingernails, shoes and other things around you.

Is it ordinary..? GIRLS ONLY PLZ!?

like mad of times the weapon is turned on the victim. I would buy her some self defense classes.

Verillicose Veins or something of the sort...?

i dont carry anything.

I'm 17, and my length is a week unpunctually. I'm not sexually influential, and this have never happen. Help!?

A purse beside a lot of things in it can be creamy and a very useful weapon.

What is sex?how to do it?

i dont take pepper spray or a stun gun, but i DO have a switchblade!

I want counsel for a friend...please facilitate!?

i wear hard shoes.

+ if she doesn't listen later you buy her one?
make her put it in her handbag and she probably will.

I know ALOT of youthful guys masturbate, but do alot of youthful girls do it that you wouldnt expect?

i own a purse... yeah

Sharp pains surrounded by my stomach and surrounded by my spinal column..going to the bathroom every time I chomp through...what could this be?

I own be getting seriously sick during my extent.. is it commonplace?
I detestation my 34A's ...?
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