What's wrong beside my vagina? (yeast infection, uti, irregular spell long-term 2 weeks...)

Before I go into detail, here are some basic facts:
I'm seventeen years antediluvian.
I have only have sex with one person, my boyfriend, who I know have no STD's or any related problems.
I went on birth control in May.

One article after another has gone wrong over the past couple of months. First, after using spermicidal condoms (to be extra safe) I get a yeast infection and a uti. I was treated for both and they're gone now. One effect of the yeast infection is inflammation of the vulva, which cause pain during intercourse, and this has be happening since I got the yeast infection. Even though the infection is gone, it have continued to hurt to have sex, but I got ancient the initial pain and it felt fine. I planned an appointment with my gynecologist, and yet another point happened. I got my time about a week early, but it looked resembling dark brown discharge, which progressed into a normal looking spell. It's been almost 2 weeks since my period started and I still hold dark brown stuff coming out and it seems to be pretty stout. I've also noticed that my normal gait of digestion has slowed down and I occasionally have mild abdominal anguish.

So not only have I not be able to enjoy sex for a few months, presently I'm worried about having cysts, or worse, cancer. Does anyone know what's wrong next to me?

Answers:    Okay, hon, first of all just try to steady yourself down okay? I know full well how stressful and scary things can be when chronic problems come up down there and you don't know what's going on.
First of all, you are on birth control. Birth control can own a tendency to cause spotting and unusual discharge like that. The pill may just not agree next to you. I don't think you have a cyst and I emphatically don't think you have cancer.
Sometimes yeast infections can swing on even without the discharge. Some yeast is very resistant to medication. Your doctor needs to do a culture. You could also be having an allergic counterattack to using condoms. Allergic reactions can definitely formulate your vagina feel swollen and sore and will make sex discomfited definitely. Spermicide can cause a wicked allergic reaction in oodles women including myself. Antibiotics can also really mess up your vagina because they destroy the good germs in the vagina. Periods can also cause yeast problems because it alters the PH level in the vagina which can encourage bleak bacteria to grow or cause yeast to grow raging. The birth control may definitely be messing you up.
You are overanalzying what is happening to your body right very soon I think. You are scared and I realize that but you are stressing yourself out way too much. Stress itself will mess up your digestion, upset your stomach, and cause muscle rigidity that can result in muscle pain.
See your doctor. Get a culture done and a pap smear if the doctor think its necessary. Take things one step at a time. You will find out what is wrong and get treated for it. Please don't verbs if you can. Just try to relax your mind. It's most likely something simple and easy to fix. .
duplicate thing happened to me after using spermicidal condoms.
i get a yeast infection, and now...while on birth control i got my interval 5 days early and its heavy and brown see blood.

the pain during intercourse was in that too before i got mine.
and i also hold abdominal pains. and im not hungry at all.
i chalked it all up to spermicidal condoms doing unnatural things to my body.
soo im done with those.
i hope you find out whats going on.
im deff checking back next to this question for a good answer lol.

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