Birth control and ovulation?

I know that you are not supposed to ovulate when you take birth control. I also know that you can ovulate by chance while on the birth control. I am on Ortho Evra, I enjoy been on it how I'm supposed to be and I've never noticed ovulation pains until this month. Not adage they haven't been there adjectives along, but I didn't notice it until this month. So my question, if there's no ovulation here shouldn't be any ovulation pains, right? So when I have them does it mean that ovulated by fate? I keep a chart just to track my period for my GYN, but last month I thought I might be pregnant, so I'm paying more attention to ovulation cycles too now. And I'm most fertile 13-17, and I've be having some ovulation pains. Do you have bogus pains when on BC? Or do you think I ovulated by chance? Orrrr, do you devise it's all in my go before, since now I'm paying more attention to it?

Answers:    i noticed when i be on b/c i became really paranoid as well, ortho evra is a amazingly strong form of b/c so it could be just some side effects, u will know u ovulate when ur discharge is stringy and white in color, i wouldnt verbs until u get ur period :).
You can ovulate while on BC, which is why birth control pills are simply 99 per cent effective when used as directed.

So if you've had sex you can carry pregnant. The ONLY 100 per cent effective method is abstinence.

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