Please be honest..?

ok so I was wondering- what is the chance of gettng pregnant even if you use a condom? (assuming its used right and adjectives that)
please dont think this is a stupid question, its something I'm in actuality nervous about, I would approaching a "doctor-like" answer..

thanks all


the entity never know.
its not that you cant trust what the label only just have to take some things into consideration.
1. they road they get their data. although they voice its 97% affective. what they really mean is if 1000 people used one 30 of them will become pregnant.
2. plus this is clinical notes and not very practical.
think just about the chances that it leaks, breaks, falls bad (its happened plenty of times).

BUT.with adjectives things going well it is an acceptable form of prevention..but not the best. i use it as a final up only. i wouldn't count on it. there have been too many unplanned pregnancies due to mis info.

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When used correctly condoms are 97% potent, and the same for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms have a 3% washout rate and if ripped torn or damaged that failure rate increases. Be sure not to start on the package with your teeth, vacate it in your wallet, use an expired condom or have them travel through the washing machine this damages them, and decrease their effectivness.

Is the first interval after giving birth supposed to be large? is it commonplace?

The condom is a barrier method of birth control. If it is used correctly, it has no leak or tears and was worn the entire time there be any physical contact then it is 100% reliable.

Help Me Out?? PLEASE:)?

The average failure rate for a condom is somewhere around 15%

Would close to your belief?

4% unpredictability if used correctly. (Condoms have a 96% efficacy rate)

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( Embarrassing) AM A SLUTT? AND WHY?
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