Advice on losing virginity?

My fiancé and I are getting married in December and plan on waiting until our wedding hours of darkness to have sex. I am still a virgin and kind of nervy about the first time hurting. I don't usually wear tampons (have a few times) and am not really used to having anything surrounded by that area. When I do, it feels really really humiliated and kind of hurts. Our wedding is a few months away, so I thought I would enjoy time to prepare. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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It's very appropriate that you are waiting until you are marrierd , it is going to be very uncomfortable the first few times , and i'm sure you know that the first time you will bleed . I would speak to use lube , and tell him to go slow .

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When it comes to it, basically relax. If you don't, you'll tense up, and it will hurt. Only do things at your pace, and don't rush yourself. I regard it's great that you are planning to wait until your wedding darkness, not many people do these days. :)

As you have worn tampons a couple of times, your hymen should already be broken, but it may feel humiliated to begin with.
You may find it cooperative to ensure that lots of foreplay occurs, to break the tension slightly, but mostly purely relax.

Good luck!

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When the time comes, communicate with your husband. You two are open ample to decide to wait, so on the darkness, tell him you are nervous, and that he wants to be gentle. In a book I read, on a girl's first time, she had her husband a short time ago kind of move it in beside his hands, because she was bashful. Also, maybe trying more tampons or masturbating (If you don't want to do either that's fine), it could assistance you prepare for the real thing. Just remember to relax, and permit your husband know how you are feeling.

Good Luck! =]

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That's great that you waited! Congratulations on that.
Now for getting geared up,
I know my first time I was a little uptight. You may be even tighter though.
I don't know if this is against your religious/personal beliefs or not but I would one-sidedly masturbate with a small sex toy,like a dildo or silver bullet, and try to loosen up your insides rather bit at a time and make sure to take it at a slow speed so you can really draw from used to it.

This should work (its worked for me before)

I really hope this helped
Congrats on your wedding!

Women answer? after ur first time...?? plz support?

i consider the pain you feel typically is probably when you hit your hymen which if your a virgin then it obviously wont enjoy broken yet
i think some citizens feel pain the first time and some empire dont, if he is slow and gentle i dont think it will hurt and my first tim didnt hurt
although some peoplesay it does i regard as it is only a small amount of pain
I don`t know you could discuss these thoughts with your fiance and see what he says as it possible he will have worries aswell
btw i think its markedly commendable that your waiting for marriage

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Do lots of kegel exercises and it is going to hurt initially just because nought is never been in in that and it will be a bit tight. Be sure to relax, that's the key. Tension makes it hurt worse. Well, apposite luck and congrats on your wedding.

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just relax and involve lots of foreplay. look up tips on google... i consider its great that youre waiting! x

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tell him to keep pushing as concrete as he can no matter how much it hurts

p.s. use lube

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