Whats the safest method abortion for me at 23 weeks preg?

ill be 23 weeks monday today i just found out my daughter have a bad heart so i have to own an abortion but i dont know how they do it at 23 weeks pregnant and whats the safest for me im soooo scaredddddddd this has been one of the worst days surrounded by my lifeee im heart broken! ..

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You probably won't be given much of a choice about the method. In most settings, when the abortion is due to a defect, they will heavily dull you or simply put you to sleep. Abortions are mostly safe, and you can be sure they will take every precaution they obligation to.

If you want, feel free to contact me, I've worked with women within your situation before. You might find it helps to verbalize.

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Did you discuss the options with your Doctor because at 23wks you are too far along to own an abortion. Also keep in mind sometimes doctors put together mistakes because nothing is 100%. Who told you you had to enjoy an abortion I have never heard of this? I voice have faith pray and hang on to the baby unless your doctor advises otherwise even after you should get a second opinion. It is not the finish off of the world you can ge tby.

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Have you gotten a second opinion. Sometimes they make mistakes reading ultrasounds. They can also perfom intrauterine surgeries on fetus to correct problems. Before you want to end the pregnancy, do all your research, hold all your questions answered and consequently decide rationally not emotionally what you should do. Any surgical procedure, including abortion can own complication which include infections, uterine scarring and sometimes although rear end up beside a hysterectomy; ending the possibility conceiving in the adjectives.

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This is awful, my heart goes out to you, i had an miscarage at 23 weeks this will be matching they will induce labour and you will prematurely give birth. Its awful, you be in motion though the same labour and produce milk afterwards and no concern what you do, have more children whatever you will never ever forget the little one, its like a bad nightmare merely worse its for real. They will ask you if you want to hold the baby or see it afterwards, I enjoy a photo of mine, good luck hope you have some loved ones to support you. di

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I would return with a second opinion before have an abortion. I once had a friend who was told one and the same thing, and it just terminated up being twins. But if you do decide to own the abortion..its a two day procedure because your so far along. First they will insert a dye to kill the infant, then the next light of day they will remove it in a normal abortion procedure. At this far along it pretty much is your single abortion option. Some abortion clinics in some states wont even do an abortion that far along. If your doctor is so sure that this is a serious condition, than why wont he do the procedure himself surrounded by a hospital to make you feel more comfortable?

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Oh dear Lord..I'm speechless. I perceive heartbroken also.

Are there any other option that the doctor can give you. 23 weeks is a good route through your pregnancy. If the doctor has not given you another outlet, I just don't know what to right to be heard to make you feel better. Please consistency in your heart what is best. Take one tender step at a time.

I feel a adjectives need to pray for you that everything goes right and proper decision are made in both of your better interests.baby and you. Please help yourself to care, and a million hugs are what I'm sending your way. May God be next to you and take control of this situation in every style possible.

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Hey there buddy I'm so sorry that i really don't have any consistent or even medical advice for you other than to be guided by the counsel of your physician ... actually, be guided by the advice of maybe a second or third physician too !! I just wanted to relay you how very sorry i am that you are in this position and would similar to to wish you the very best of form & luck in dealing with such a down situation

take care of you


Weird interval - have this happen to anyone else?

At 24 weeks it is possible for a tot to survive. Has a doctor told you that this is your only option? I would get hold of a second opionion before moving forward with closing moments this baby's life. With all the miracles that prescription now provides they can even do surgeries in utero...perchance you should just leave it within God's Hands and pray for that miracle...But definately get a second opinion. I will be praying for you.

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Don't do it! My son be supposed to have all kind of things wrong with him too. I had twins and they be going to be very premature, so they advised me to abort one to afford the other a better chance. I refused, and have two beautiful healthy boys who be home in two weeks! Doctors don't know everything, and there are such things as miracles. She could hold corrective surgery right?

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i dont think this is a good belief.the baby didnt ask to be here so if u cant support her give birth and confer her up for adoption.if u get an abortion you will always wonder what if .how would she be...would she hold looked like you?at least within adoption u can send her b day cards go and get school pics and be in touch near her.watch silentscream.org hope it changes ur mind.

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Please get hold of a second opinion Dr. make like mad of mistakes. They told my aunt her baby had down syndrome and if she didn't want to maintain the baby she could get an abortion she settled to keep the baby. I own a healthy, smart 4 year old cousin. Can't the child have heart surgery after he/she is born?

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What condition was she diagnosed next to? Is it one that's fatal within a few months of energy? I would definitely get a second view. Unfortunately, you're going to have to birth your baby objective they'll induce death and induce labor. Before you do anything, please get a second judgment and do a lot of research on her condition.

I am really flat.. any suggestions?

Wow, there are closely of judgemental people on here.

I've already answered a previous question, so here's the interconnect again - http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Abortion/Pa...

Good luck whatever you decide to do. And I hope adjectives the antis enjoy crawling back lower than their rocks.

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Hun, don't let the Dr. takes God's work into his own hand. Let nature take its course. It will be difficult, no business what you choose. Was it the Dr. that told you that you HAVE to have an abortion? Did he/she say this because the kid could be a threat to YOUR life? If your health and capably being is not in hazard, let God do his work.

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why not have the child? a child will come out of you, there is no denying it at this point. why not have her out alive? you are already calling her your daughter--how you can read aloud that you are going to take the life of your daughter?

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You are DEFINETLY surrounded by my prayers. The only place I even know of that does them that far along, with situations similar to that is in Witchita Kansas... I'm so sorry you own to go through such a thing. You will be blessed again, please stay strong.

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Can you freshly have the baby and consent to somone adopted the baby. I'm sorry that you are going though this hun. I hold no kids, but i wish you best of luck hun. hang surrounded by there and i wish for your daughter to stay strong.

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this should be disscussed between you and your doctor it help to have husbsand ( or family ) beside you

What does this suggest?

Jeeze ... people are so judgemental in these things .
Anyways . Ask the doctor to see whats the best procedure for you . Good luck !

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Don't achieve an abortion! If you don't want the baby you should put him up for adoption.

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omg how sad..

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i agree beside wendy v

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Prostaglandin Chemical Abortion: This form of abortion uses chemicals developed by the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. which cause the uterus to contract intensely, pushing out the developing baby. The contractions are more uncontained than normal, natural contractions, so the unborn child is frequently killed by them -- some have even be decapitated. Many, however, have also been born alive.


Hysterectomy and C-section: Used predominantly in the last three months of pregnancy, the womb is enter by surgery through the wall of the abdomen. The technique is similar to a Caesarean delivery, except that the umbilical cord is usually cut while the babe is still in the womb, thus cutting stale his oxygen supply and causing him to suffocate. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and simply departed in a corner to die of neglect or exposure.

Hope this help, thanks for making people presume about it too, instead of researching it yourself.

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