Tubaligation tomorrow question around anesthesia?

Can I have an epidural instead of General Anesthesia when going in for a tubal? Or anything it is they give you when you have a planned c-section. If not is near ANY alternative that I can let the anesthiologist know I would prefer instead of the general as i.e. the last choice I would have.

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Laparoscopic procedures require standard anesthesia. I did a spinal for a tubal ONCE - never, ever again. The patient was horribly self-conscious. I had to give her tons of Versed (medication that make you forget), and she didn't remember screaming her way through the surgery. *I* remember, though!

The reason is, carbon dioxide gas is insufflated into the belly, and it go up under the diaphragm. The diaphragm is innervated by nerves in the upper part of the pack of the neck. If we get you numb to that even, you can't breathe, so you'd have to be on a ventilator anyway.

We can do postpartum (right after delivery) tubals with regional anesthesia, because the tubes are pushed up to the stratum of the belly button, and the procedure is done open, not laparoscopically, through a small incision at the umbilicus.

Otherwise, the tubes are deep surrounded by the pelvis, and cannot easily be reached. That's why they use the margin.

You'll do fine with the general. It's a rapid and easy procedure. Tell your anesthesiologist about any concerns you enjoy, and he/she can try to alleviate them for you.

I LOVE spinals, but not for this procedure. Trust me on this one.

Is this majority?

I had a tuba ligation when i was 15 and they have to put me out but i would think they can just NUMB to where on earth they are toing to cut but is this want u really want cuz there is a low chance u can become pregnant. But Therese also how he is adjectives them where he is going to burn them or just tie them

Hope this help! and the best of Luck Hun i will say its painful after u get up up and for 2 days.

My query again some peoples do not seem to get the message my interview?

I didn't have an option --I would close to to know the answer too. My friend is in the predicament . She dislikes general anesthesia.

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