I freshly finished my time! when is the best time to try for a infant?

I started my period on saturday the 12th april and ive just come sour today the 17th april when is the best time from now to try for a baby. appreciation.


Does drinking Crystal Lite count as drinking river?

Between 25 and 28 April would be the most fertile time in the month for you.

SIck surrounded by the morning?

count the day from the start of your extent 14th day you are most fertile, 3 days either side you can go and get pregnant (if you are regular)
good luck

So do you pee when you bring a shower or do you dawdle to finish?

It depends on the length of your cycle.If it's 28 days and you started your interval on the 12th then somewhere around the 26th would be your most fertile, the middle of your cycle.

Depo shot?

Its Best To Conceive Close To Your Cycle. They Say That You Are Most Likely To Conceive When Your Actually On Your Period, But Im Not Sure.

How much time do you inevitability to work out within a light of day ? Any virtuous diet plan?

Best fertile period for this month will be during 24-29 April. Good Luck! Be Healthy and Happy!

Pap smear is pre-scheduled...during menstrual cycle?

try 10 days after you time

Is it majority to still bleed after your spell?

the best time is 10 days after you finish the last day of your menses. this when you're most fertile. best of luck!!

GIRLS!! support!! URGENT?

Just do it everyday, twice a light of day. 2 weeks from now should be good.

Can merely one around a man, effect the menstual cycle?

i conceived on the 12th sunshine after. now have a fine girl.

Is it true that wearing your bra adjectives the time make your boobs shrink?

between 10-14 days after the first day of your period

Is this possible?

Birth control cross-examine...please relief!?
Mature ladies?
I have my spell not long ago and 1 week subsequently after i finshed i have brown bllood anything wrong?
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