Vagina smells close to fish?

my vagina smells like fish even when i come out of the bath .. i don't hold trouble going wee .. or it doesn't itching or burning just smells..
any one know why this may be ?
and is there any path i can make this smell go beside out going to the G.P??
thank you ..x

Answers:    It sounds as if you're using too harsh things to wash beside and are removing the good bacteria. Use a fragrance free moisturiser on your parts after have a bath. I saw it on a TV show called degrading illnesses. Other than that you could have a bacterial infection due to that area getting too hot and sweaty and you will requirement to go to a sexual health department to attain the right drugs. can find the number for your nearest one online.

Or you could always try Tea Tree oil surrounded by your bath as it kills germs, and later use moisturiser to see if it works before you see a doctor. Use a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil surrounded by the bath, as the already mixed oil is slightly weak. Don't use anything too harsh as it could trademark it worse..
you probably have vaginosis. Its no big deal similar to 3/4 women have it at least once surrounded by their lifetime. You can go to the doctor but there are at home remedies :

Yogurt near live cultures and acidophilus orally or up there.
A boric acerbic douche.
summers eve medicated douche.
Tea tree essential oil up there.

and try to stay away from cheese,chocoloate, sugar, fruit, alcohol.

Alot of time it will clear up itself or a moment ago after your period..
if its still like that even after a hip bath it could be bacterial viagnosis, its nothing to worry more or less, its to do with the ph balance contained by your lady bits. a bit like thrush but not if you know what i have it in mind (sorry for not being too precise just dont want you to worry) and its not sexully transmitted or any article either. go see your gp and they'll set you right, its cured next to a corse of anti biotics and you will be sorted in no time, its harmless newly not very nice for you. all the best x Vaginal discharge beside a fishy odor can be an indicator of a condition known as bacterial vaginosis. It is easy to diagnose and treat but will not dance away on its own and is not treatable with over the counter creams like Monostat (which are for yeast infections, not BV).

Sorry, but you do inevitability to go see your doctor..
A fishy odor is usually an indication of a bacterial infection which will not go away on it's own. Bacterial infections require antibiotics to seize rid of them. Don't try douching as it could make your situation worse.

Your best bet is to see your gynecologist and get a culture. .
babe-in-arms girl,
you probably have an infection.
just run to the doctor. they will give you some medication and you will be fine. be careful when toileting. wipe towards the fund and away from the vaginal area.
you will be ok.
damn. my woman's coochie smells like peaches. i wonder what he r secretive is. ill ask her and come back and gag this post when i get a answer mami.

edit : alright she said u basically needa wash up again wit sum nice soap/creamy dove bodywash, and use 1 of dem sponges and ull be good..
You should step to the doctor to get it checked. There's all kind of things that it could be, but go see your doctor to be on the safe side. You probably hold a bacterial infection. You may need antibiotics, so you have to see your doctor..
No, you really necessitate to get this seen to. It could be a little things but please see a doctor. Don't be afraid of going to your GP. If he is a bloke, ask to see surgery nurse or other practice GP (female)..
a fishy smell is usually a sign of an infection, just go to the doc to be sure ffs im consumption a cheese n pickle sarny here, well, i WAS.
Go to the doctor.

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