Red discharge from my vagina? It used to be yellowish... but very soon it's sorta redish?
It used to be yellowish/white, but in a minute it started being redish...
and no, its not my period.
Ladies: How ripened be you when you first started your menstrual spell? How did you surface?
catch it checked. heres a website about discharge.You need to budge to the doctor...this could be an infection or something worse!
K, you usually get ur period after 1 to 1 1/2 years after ur boobs start growing, right>?
how do u no its not ur period?? see ur doctorWould you see someone contained by the nuts if they asked you to?
Does ur interval bring bladder infection?
Will my Boobs draw from bigger?
For what reason ? is a dnc needed ? surrounded by perticular, would it be for hefty period ? thks?