Taking the Pill for 3 Months contained by a Row...
I've taken my birth control pill for 3 months without a break now (hey it's summer!) and I be planning to have a period this month. However, I started this month's pack in the middle through due to taking odd pills I had departed in previous packets. Now I thought I would remember to stop taking them when I reach monday, sigh, I forgot. Now I've taken 4 pills, starting the new pill cycle, which will be the fourth month without a extent.
It's kinda worrying as I'm spotting a little and I'm not sure if it's really advisable to continue skipping so several periods. Any knowledge on that?
Also, is it the best belief to keep taking my pills for the rest of this 21-day cycle? I can't stop to force a period after I've already taken four right?
Answers: The suggestion given is that the maximum number of pill packs that you can string together is 3. This is because of concerns that not allowing the endometrial lining to shed may increase the risk of carcinoma of the endometrium..
if your trying to avoid period why not try the injection, once every 3 months most people don'tt have any period but i did still have period headache. But these thing are not to be messed with
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