Feminine problems?

This is kinda wierd, but can anyone tell me what a yeast infection would look similar to?? Im really emarassed about this and i don't know what to do... can you please relieve me??

Answers:    That happens every time you own sex! If it does start to hurt or itch, go to the doctor.
You usually hold external vaginal itching & cottage-cheese like discharge w/ a mild odor. If this sounds close to what you have, use a 3 or 7 morning treatment from the drug store.
RN Trust me hun, if you get one you'll know! Its itchy, burning sensations that lately DON'T stop. The look is often compared to cottage cheese looking discharge. White next to little chunky pieces. I know, I have be prone to yeast infections for years!
Hey unprotected or protected?
protected:possible problem.
unprotected:You know what it is.
A yeast infection is not that serious. u cant die from it. But the symptom for a yeast infection is itching. so i don't think u enjoy it. and u most likely get hold of it by antibiotics anyway. but this is what it looks like. If you didn't use a condom, that white stuff could be ejaculate.

but to answer your examine, yeast infections, the discharge can have a cottage cheese look, and customarily there is some itching and possibly redness of the skin.

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