Sulfa Drugs and The Pill?

Do sulfa drugs affect the pill? I just read somewhere that they don't but I'd like to be sure before having sex. I posted formerly about antibiotics and people said to wear condoms BUT my boyfriend is allergic and he roughly refuses to wear non-latex ones. Anyway, all I involve to know is if anyone has any info on sulfa drugs because the antibiotic I'm on is one. Thanks!

Answers:    Yes, sulfa based as any antibiotic WILL deem the pill smaller amount effective.
I guess it depends on age and how long you and boyfriend have be together. As I had answered in another grill I too use to get a bad antipathy if we needed to use condom for reason you stated. Since we had be together for 6yrs and are bit older and established. We just took our probability or the did old 'pull out' method (which isn't very reliable) but any way we were fine so...guess it's up to the two of you what probability you are willing to take.

To poster above^ certainly your pill is in-effective even AFTER anti-biotic treatment. So technically she should refrain until she starts a new pill cycle..
As other posters hold told you - ALL antibiotics affect the Pill.

Tell your bf that unless he's ready to be a daddy, then you will not be have sex with him until after your are done with your course of antibiotics.

He's one a d*ck, btw.

Good luck, honey!.
Sulfa antibiotics lessen the effectiveness of the pill just as any antibiotic would.
Insist on a condom from your boyfriend or prohibit to have sex because your chances of getting pregnant are soaring without a condom.
Your boyfriend is being insensitive here..
All antibiotics affect the pill. Be undisruptive. If he won't wear a glove, then don't do the love. Unless you want to end up pregnant.

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