Periods. What happen to you?

What happened to you the day of or the morning before you got your spell.

Would my mom know I 'ordered' this free token if it come surrounded by the post?

i was stuck at my aunt's house and i had a frothy blood discharge. i thought i had just cut myself somehow and when i relized it be my period i was too worried to ask 4 any pads. so i just used toilet tabloid. it was really bad. i don't know what you're trying to find out by asking this; but i hope this help.

Is it a upright article to hold big boobs?

Nothing Happened To Me To Know That It Was Coming One Morning I Just Woke Up And When I Was Gonna Leave The House I Noticed If Your Worried Just Carry Pads With You To Be Safe

Boob query.?

I felt like I have gas cramps-not painful but uncomfortable. I have alot of discharge in my underwear. Also, my breasts were sore.

Tampon's don't Fit? Women one and only plz?

not much
but cramps

What are the signs of complications from a miscarriage?

If you wear push up bra everyday, does it stunt your boob growth?
Ladies I'm only curious?
I enjoy a sound out?
  • Is nearby such piece as a pill that delay your period?
  • Do you count the daylight you see blood as year one? please minister to

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