Sex cross-examine! effortless 10 points!?

okay soo... my boyfriend and i have sex a lot, and first time i did it i bled for a time, not alot.

We did it last night, and it be pretty rough. However after we finished, i was dripping blood, and there be blood on his fingers. he was totally grossed out, but we just laugh it off. it was pretty horrible, and it be pouring out, dripping constantly. i went for a shower and it eventually stopped, but i had no time to see what it be.

any ideas?

Nail polish?

your period could be here... sex can make you period pour on out... it happen to everyone at point or another

Very lantern manila discharge.?

well are you on your period? also it depends how big he is and how reflective the vagina is,sometimes a man can tear the lining of the vagina(but since its instinctively lubricated i don't think that happens alot)it also could be an infection,i don't know much but i would enjoy a doctor take a look,considering it could be serious,bleeding internally is a very prudent thing!

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it happened to my girl also... and i be so worried abt her since i confirmed it was not me .

it was purely that her top skin got i guess ur ok 2 cuz she was fine witin sum time after a purify and all that ,,,,,,

nothin 2 worry.cuz when she enquire wid her gynac the next tym she went for a checkup.. she said it be just the skin.which eventually comes off a girl...when she have sex .
and nothing 2 worry ,,,,, a exotic skin keeps comming on it

hope i was of some aid ...


Is within something wrong next to my breast? please im really alarmed...?

Did the bleeding stop for good then after the shower? If so, it it be probably because he tore more of your hymen during the rough sex. It does not always tear completely, and you said the first time it did not bleed deeply which is a sign that it did not tear a lot.

Breast Biopsy?

Could be he ruptured a small capilary or something inside by mortal too rough. he had blood on his fingers, he could have accidently scratched you inside.
Hope you are using protection adjectives this blood makes me think of aids. mind your Ps and Qs

Bitrth Control Nueva Ring ?

When you break your hymen, you leave a wound, and it takes time to make well, so don worry, you probably opened the wound again, chill no probs!

I simply have my first term contained by more or less a year. it last 8 days. what are my likelihood of getting pregnant?

You said it be rough, is it possible his penis or finger could have cause plenty friction inside you to cut you? Maybe his nails were too long. Hope you consistency better.

Lying to doctor?

it is probably a rip or u didnt completely rip ur hymen the first time, u may also have had a cut or slit there and it keeps ripping amenable everytime u have sex.

Do you estimate it's my term?

take a break form sex your probably overworking your vagina and bruised it (and yes its possible) so it started to bleed because a bruise its in actuality bleeding under then skin of internally

Women comfort please?

If this happen again you must see a gynaecologist as all post-coital bleeding needs investigated.

Tampons- entirely out of medical interest?

this can ensue when you're being too rough, but it shouldnt be alot of blood, maybe u should budge 2 the doctor to get it checked out because u wanna make sure ur person safe!

This press is for women just...(pubic stuff)?


Does birth control craft you gain greatly of bulk?

Not normal. For the adjectives, if after sex you are "dripping blood", take the time to see what it is.

I permit a guy ejaculate on my breast, and very soon I hold these icky looking sores?

could it be your period come early/late? even if you finished a time or 2 ago it can come back after sex.

I still haven't started my spell and its be four months since my csection.?

You should go enjoy it checked out. Hopefully, it's nothing serious.

Birth controle request for information?

Maybe you started your period.

Im startled!?

Most predictable chafed the inside of your vagina.

Don't go to rough!

My interrogate is hold infallible girls, females, and grown up females?

You should see a doctor, only to be sure.
You could have something wrong in at hand.

My girlfriends spell is other belatedly. I suggest really irregular.?

since you're on birth control, it could be spotting or the sex was too rough

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maybe its your time of year.

Period request for information?


Period oblige?

maybe becasue it was so rough

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be it not your period... i wonder if his penis was bleeding

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