Not allowed to wear black pin polish?

I bought some realy dark purple nail polish and my parents be fine with that but when I put it on it was soo cloudy it looked black. My parents were mad and they made me lug it off. How do convince them that dark nailpolish is not crazy or unusual and why did they do this??

Sex examine?

Show them the bottle and tell them it's purple and you had no notion it would look that dark on you. Let them know that judging you by a nailpolish color is really shallow and that nailpolish does not bring in you who you are. They need to just chill out.

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Show them the bottle and explain that it's if truth be told dark purple and tell them why you required that color. If you are really calm about it, they may make over their mind. If not, maybe they will let you wear a few fingers that color and a few fingers similar to a dark pink or something. Or you can put on a few coats of that color and then one coat of a lighter polish on top...mixing colors can look really nice.

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Convince your parents that you wont turn gothor emo by wearing a pretty pink skirt and a frilly pink top tie your curls in a bow and paint your nails black. lol jk. you should ask them why you arent aloud to wear black fastener polish. Do you wear dark or heavy makeup? That could be paid them think that you are going goth or emo. How do you wear your hair? Who do you hang up out with? Any of those things could make you parents come up with you are turning goth or emo. They just want to hang on to thier little girl for as long as they can

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ur ok they r merely worried cuz ALOT OF KIDS R TURNING EMO AND GOTH and they dont want that to happen to u just update them that u wanna were dark fastener polish

Hey girls?

tell your parents that you like it and you won't turn goth or emo read aloud i feel that it looked great and it isn't crazy

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