Seriously i have need of relieve! please please please answer?

Ok well first read this this explains everything and all of it happen twice today! I had diareah in the morning and basically a little while ago. but please read this to understand:;...

i am seeing a doctor subsequent week...

but today i pooped (sorry its gross) and when i wiped there be a lot of blood, its not my period i know that. thansk i iwll bestow 10 points.
also, is this serious

For Doctors: How does a obgyn describe a woman is pregnant by a pelvic exam?

its probably a hemroid. if its not constipation. dont eat anything spicy. try preperation H

Breast ultrasound... own to bring a biopsy?!?!?

If there is blood surrounded by your stool it's a really bad sign and you need to progress to the doctor asap, especially if it comes out really dark, almost black colored. However, if you were/are constipated and you had a really not easy stool to pass sometimes it can just crack the rectal area a bit which can cause bleeding, this is bloody but not life threatening. And if you've been have issues with bowel movements and diarrhea it's possible you have hemorrhoid's. Excessive wipe can cause flare ups so if it's possible after going to the bathroom try to hop in the shower and rinse instead of wiping with toilet quality newspaper. You also might want to consider getting some Preparation H cream or wipes and using these after every bowel movement, it will really help. But again, if it's excessive bleeding or shadowy red/black blood coming out then you need to be in motion to the doctor right away as it could be a sign of your stomach or intestines bleeding. Good luck!

Ingrown hair?!?!?!?

Bloody stool can be a symptom of a number of serious diseases, BUT hemorrhoids are the most common explanation and not much to worry about, besides one gross and embarrassing :).

So don't freak out and think you're dying, but do build an appointment to see your doctor. Better safe than sorry.

If you have hemorrhoids (yes, I know this is gross) at hand is probably a puffed up spot on your anus, it might feel like a grape.

Morning hot flashes!?

Your first cross-examine, I know the answer to
You are lactoseintolerant. That means you cant have dairy products. That happen to me, and it stopped when I stopped drinking milk, but now i can only enjoy milk with fiber

Your second question, is a conceivably.

If you have gone camping latley, or ate meat that wasnt the best looking or underneath cooked meat, you might have a parasite, like tapeworm or ring worm. Thats where on earth the bleeding might come from. What some parasites do is they eat doesn`t matter what you eat, and get bigger. That can rationale stomach pain and cramps. The bleeding may be happening because they imbed their head or whole bodies into your intestines and that usually causes bleeding. If it doesnt be in motion away in a couple of days, immidetaly see a doctor. Good luck!! :D

I'm in the region of to start th BC Tri Sprintec (aka Ortho Tricyclin).?

One things for sure you do not have lactose intolerance cant believe the amout of relations who are saying that. to me it sounds like you enjoy inflammatory bowel disease which is either crohns disease or ulcerative colitis. Do you have a domestic history of either. It could also be an infection in the gut. Less plausible to be coeliac disease if you have blood. Do u have mucus contained by it?

If you are in really bad form afterwards go to doctor sooner.Stick to a low fibre diet as this can lessen the diarrhoea, dignified fibre will make it worse

Why Does It hurt?

Sounds approaching polyps to me. Most of the time they are not cancer and can be removed in the office next to slight sedative. Go to your doctor and I'm sure you will be fine. If it gets worse and you can not grasp in Doc any sooner, call or dance to urgent care or hospital. Otherwise should be ok. At times with polyps it will seem to be like you are peeing blood but is is actually coming out of rectum.

Do they put you to sleep when removing your appendix (Appendicitis)?

When you enjoy a bloody stool you need 2 see a doctor right away or go to the emergency room. A bloody stool can tight-fisted anything from stomach cancer to hemorrhoids to a tear in the bin liner of your stomach or even a disease along your digestive tract.

Are you ever flushed to buy condoms?

Pooping blood means you need to phone your doctor NOW. It is often very serious!

Get stale the computer and call your doctor!

Getting on the pill??

Frank blood in the feces can be a serious problem, but here are many causes. Please see a Dr.

Help! Possible ingestion disorder?!!?

could be colon cancer... we lately learned about it within class and it sounds kinda like it... could be hemmorages

Do I entail to obtain a prescription from the doctor to capture Yaz (the birth control pill)?

While have sex, the condom slipped stale. i didn't be aware of anything going through my vagina though.?
A tampon issue! Please give a hand me?
How do i know when i'm going to own my first length?what will it teem similar to?
  • Answer please! i involve some serious facilitate?
  • Could this be heart disease?

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