Getting on the pill??

I am supposed to start birth control this month when i get my period, but its basically not coming! im like 4 days late..should i a short time ago start taking the pills and expect a period next month or is it a big matter if you start on the wrong day?

I cant chomp through the finishing 5 days!!?

Don't take it until after your time of year. Stressing will just make it come then! Just wait until you get your time, even if it is late, and then cart it as directed (usually within 24 hours of the start of your period or the first Sunday after).

Period aching?

My friend get on the pill because her periods were 4 months contained by between. She had to wait 4 months until she could start her pill pack the Sunday after (within a week, not two), as you're supposed to. Patience, your body know what it's doing. :)

Oh, and it IS a big deal if you start it on the wrong day. The pill is base off of estrogen, which fluctuates at different times while you are ovulating. The reason why you start the Sunday after is proven calculation, and not following those guidelines could very all right make it a useless item as 'Birth Control'.

Surgery Next week and Freaking out!?

If you haven't gotten your period nonetheless, call your DOCTOR and see what he suggests.

You are only four days behind. Give it a few more days, then start it whenever the doctor tells you when you bid.

Does have your spell form you hornier?

Period problems?
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